Monthly Services in the benefice

Every Wednesday and Sunday at for 1 hour
Gillingham: St Barnabas
Nelson Road Gillingham, ME7 4ST, United Kingdom
St Mary's "The Church on the green"
Gillingham Green Gillingham, ME7 1SS, United Kingdom

A plan of the regular services in the Benefice
Morning Prayer will be said every morning Monday to Friday at St Mary’s Mondays 8.30am Tue to Fri 9am

Holy Communion will take place –
every Wednesday at 10am in St Mary’s and
every Wednesday at 3.30pm in St Barnabas

1st Sunday
9.30am - Café Church - St Mary's
11am - Holy Communion - St Barnabas

2nd Sunday
9.30am - Holy Communion – St Mary’s
10.30am - Café Church – St Barnabas
4pm Messy Church - St Mary's

3rd Sunday
9.30am – Family Communion – St Mary’s
11am – Holy Communion – St Barnabas

4th Sunday
9.30am - Holy Communion – St Mary’s
11am – Family Communion – St Barnabas

5th Sunday
10.30 Joint service of Holy Communion in one of the Churches

Parish Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Gillingham: St Barnabas
Nelson Road Gillingham, ME7 4ST, United Kingdom

Traditional and contemporary style worship for all the family.

Mid-week Eucharist (all welcome)

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
Gillingham: St Barnabas
Nelson Road Gillingham, ME7 4ST, United Kingdom

A short service of holy communion following the fellowship group at about 3.30pm on Wednesday afternoons

Ladies meeting group

Monthly. Every Fourth Tuesday at for 2 hours
St Mary's "The Church on the green"
St Mary's "The Church on the green", Gillingham Green Gillingham, ME7 1SS, United Kingdom

A social afternoon with an interesting talk and a cup of tea.
Upcoming dates
May 23 Bring and Buy/Afternoon Tea at 46 Dial Road
June 27Presentation by Commonwealth War Graves Commission
July 25 Outing to Eastchurch Air Museum

Cafe Church

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 44 mins
Gillingham: St Barnabas
Nelson Road Gillingham, ME7 4ST, United Kingdom

Our newest relaxed service which will happen on the 2nd Sunday of the month at 10.30. Starting on December 12th, we shall worship the Lord while enjoying fellowship in the church. Breakfast will be served. Please come and join us.

Wednesday Coffee afternoon

Wednesday 22 September 2021 at for 1 hour
Gillingham: St Barnabas
Nelson Road Gillingham, ME7 4ST, United Kingdom

The St Barnabas Coffee afternoon was hugely popular before lockdown and we are delighted that we can reopen it on 22nd September at 2pm. At first it will only be once every 2 weeks, but we hope to extend it and offer help and advice sessions in the very near future. All welcome.