Facilities and features
These are available in the ladies toilets.
Holy Trinity has a large car park to the side of the church (between the hall and the Labour club)
We have two Dementia Friends Champions, several dementia friends and an Anna Chaplain in our congregation, so there are always church members on the look-out for those who might find church bewildering, or need an additional helping hand.
Our Building
Holy Trinity Church was built in 1964 by architect Arthur Bailey, strongly influenced by the Liturgical Movement. Whilst it has significant structural issues which mean it is sadly currently closed for worship, it is Grade II listed.
Music and Worship
At 8:30 every Sunday morning and on alternate Wednesdays at 11:45am we have a service of BCP Communion.
Groups, Courses and Activities
On the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month from 6:30-8:00pm, young people aged 11-18 meet to explore life and faith together (and eat a lot of pizza)
On Thursday evenings and Friday lunchtimes, we meet to explore the Bible, and our lives, together.
On the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, from 10:15-11:45. An opportunity to meet new people in a relaxed and welcoming environment.
Every Friday morning the Rainbows mums & toddlers groups meets (& not just for mums - dads, grandparents and childminders are all welcome too!) from 9am - 11am. It just costs £1 per child.
Help for Visitors
The church is open each week day from 9:30-11:30am
Other Features
We are a collection point for Medway Foodbank, and a Foodbank voucher distribution point.
Call Trish in the Parish office on 01634 231372 to find out about hiring our hall.