Every Friday at for 1 hour
The choir is an established voluntary group of enthusiastic music-makers. We welcome all voices, whether experienced or novice, and all voice parts: soprano, alto, tenor & bass. We are always keen to welcome new members: there is no audition, simply come along to a Sunday service and speak to the Director of Music, or contact the parish office. All robes, books and music are provided.
St. John's has supported a robed choir for many years, affiliated to The Royal School of Church Music. The choir provides support for the congregation and clergy by leading the sung and spoken parts of our 10.00am Sunday service. We also offer more elaborate music for occasional choral evensongs, special devotional services, and during the festivals of Easter and Christmas. The music for services is grounded in the Anglican tradition (hymns, anthems, mass settings) but there is considerable variety in what we offer, from Tudor composers such as Gibbons and Tallis, through to more contemporary figures such as John Rutter and Bernadette Farrell.
The choir meets on Friday evenings in church at 7.30pm for roughly an hour to practise for the Sundays ahead and for special services; these might include Easter and Christmas. There is also a short rehearsal on Sunday at 9.20am before the 10.00am service. We are happy for flexible attendance at practices so that everyone can manage other commitments.
St. John's has supported a robed choir for many years, affiliated to The Royal School of Church Music. The choir provides support for the congregation and clergy by leading the sung and spoken parts of our 10.00am Sunday service. We also offer more elaborate music for occasional choral evensongs, special devotional services, and during the festivals of Easter and Christmas. The music for services is grounded in the Anglican tradition (hymns, anthems, mass settings) but there is considerable variety in what we offer, from Tudor composers such as Gibbons and Tallis, through to more contemporary figures such as John Rutter and Bernadette Farrell.
The choir meets on Friday evenings in church at 7.30pm for roughly an hour to practise for the Sundays ahead and for special services; these might include Easter and Christmas. There is also a short rehearsal on Sunday at 9.20am before the 10.00am service. We are happy for flexible attendance at practices so that everyone can manage other commitments.
Choir Practice
Every Friday at 7:30 p.m. for 1 hour
Choir Practice
Every Friday at 7:30 p.m. for 1 hour