At St Barnabas, Cray we seek to provide effective safeguarding training for our staff and volunteers, support, advice and policies, so that children, young people and vulnerable adults are safe from abuse in the life of the Church and their well-being is enhanced.
All of those who work with children, young people or vulnerable adults in our church undertake a thorough checking process, culminating in a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check which is renewed every five years.
Our Safeguarding Officer is Sue Proctor and if you have any concerns regarding a child or adult of a safeguarding nature, please contact Sue on 07710263425 or our Vicar the Rev'd Neil Coleman on 01689831597.
Alternatively you can contact our diocesan Adviser for Safeguarding, Greg Barry on 01634 560000 or 07787445032
or by email: [email protected] .
More information on safeguarding can be found on the Rochester Diocese Website or the Church of England website .
There is also a tab at the bottom of all 'A Church near you' pages for safeguarding information.