Our main website is currently unavailable but we're working on it! You can find information about our upcoming services here. If you'd like to see the detailed church calendar please go to our temporary website at www.stmartinchelsfield.org.uk (link below). If you have any queries about Brass Crosby room bookings please click on the menu item for that.
St Martin’s and Well Hill Mission are committed to enabling as many people as possible to worship at our churches and to become part of our parish community. We have services with different styles of worship across the month, mainly Common Worship but also Book of Common Prayer. Most of our services have hymns accompanied by organ, we have a choir and an active band of bellringers.
Chelsfield parish is part of the Benefice of Chelsfield, Green Street Green and Pratts Bottom.
Chelsfield: St Martin of Tours Charity No. 1131573