The Brass Crosby room is equipped with facilities for making hot drinks, toilets, disabled toilet, baby changing facilities, wheelchair access and induction loop. Capacity - seated meetings of up to 45 people, theatre style, 60 people for a stand-up reception. The main room size is 7.7m long x 7.15m wide. Parking is in the church car park, two disabled parking bays available.
The room is available for use by church and community groups. The normal hire fee for the Brass Crosby Room is £40 which includes the first 2 hours, then an additional £15 per hour for bookings longer than the first 2 hours. Please ensure your booking period includes for preparation and clearing up.
The Brass Crosby room is available as a part of the general work and worship of the Church and we ask those who use the room to be responsive to the fact that it is a church room, not just a community room. Normally the room cannot be used whilst any service is taking place in church (please check the main calendar). The room is not available for wedding receptions or commercial events.
For availability of the Brass Crosby room, please check the calendar on the church website then, if the room appears to be available, please send an email to [email protected]
Please include the following information in your email:
- Your name and, where appropriate, the group you represent
- An email address for contact purposes
- A telephone number
- The proposed date(s), start time and duration of your event
- The proposed use of the room including maximum numbers of persons
The information provided will only be used for the purposes of managing this booking.
After re-checking availability we will email you a booking form plus any additional precautions that may be required to meet any new Covid regulations. Please complete and return this form so that we can confirm your booking.