Every 6 years the church council are required to perform a complete revision of the church electoral roll. This is the list of "church members" and being on the electoral roll means that the individual can vote for or even stand for membership of the church council at our annual meeting. This means that EVERYONE who wishes to remain on the electoral roll must complete a new form.A copy of the form is available via the download button and once completed this should be returned to the church either in paper form or scanned and emailed to st.martins.barnehurst@gmail.com .
Find out the latest news on what is happening in our parish by reading our newsletter. Please see this page for recent Newsletters or just click on the "DOWNLOAD" button on the right for the latest version.If you would like a copy of the newsletter emailed to you each month or if you have anything for inclusion, e.g. an event or a Happy Birthday message, then please email st.martins.mag@gmail.com.
The church halls are open and available for hire for regular sessions. For more information on the halls then please look at our specific page on Hiring the Halls or Maxim Room.Please contact the hall lettings secretary (st dot martins dot hall at gmail dot com) for more information.
Lord God,creator of all people,may your Son who suffered the inhumanity of the crosscomfort us in our anxiety and in our horror,in times that take our breath away.May your Holy Spirit inspire us to repentanceand to action in dismantling the virus of racism from within the Church, our nation and our world.Amen.by Rev Canon Jeremy Blunden