Autumn at The Annunication

Dear friends

Now the Bank Holiday weekend is past and Summer is drawing to its close, a brief note about upcoming events at The Annunciation during the Autumn.

First, as always, is our GIFT AND OPEN DAY on Saturday 21 September, in conjunction with Open House London and National Heritage Open Days, with trips up the tower, guided tours of the church, and a talk by well-known local historian Joanna Friel at 3.00pm. This will also mark the informal start of our appeal for the works on the tower, which as many of you will know could cost us as much as £500,000, following on the work we have already undertaken on the outside walls and guttering.

The following Sunday, 29 September, we will observe as HARVEST THANKSGIVING. Although we support Bromley Foodbank throughout the year, at Harvest we always we make a special effort to collect non-perishable items for them store, and your contributions will be welcome. An up-to-date list of their needs can always be found in church, but as a general rule they have enough pasta and tins of baked beans, but are often looking for staples such as breakfast cereal, as well as practical items such as toothpaste and soap.

Looking further ahead, we will celebrate our DEDICATION FESTIVAL with our now customary Evensong at 4.00pm, on Sunday 27 October, then hold our AUTUMN FAIR a little later than we have done lately, on Saturday 23 November. But I will write to you again before then. As usual for everything you need to keep abreast of events, please see either our Facebook page (for which you do not need Facebook yourself) our our page with the Church of England's, A Church Near You.

With every blessing.
Father Paul.