Coffee and cakes

Every Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Bromley: St Andrew
St Andrew's Church 134A Burnt Ash Lane Bromley, BR1 5AF, United Kingdom

We offer a warm and friendly welcome to anyone who would like to come in and meet us in a cafe setting at the back of the church. Coffee or tea are free and there are also cakes and biscuits, marmelade and books for sale. Do come and visit!

Parish Eucharist

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Bromley: St Andrew
St Andrew's Church 134A Burnt Ash Lane Bromley, BR1 5AF, United Kingdom

This is our weekly parish Eucharist which we aim to conduct in a relaxed but dignified way with a certain amount of traditional ritual. We have a committed choir who sing an anthem most weeks. We very occasionally have incense. Members of the congregation participate by reading from the Bible, doing intercessions (prayers) and acting as chalice assistants as well as serving (carrying candles and the cross).

Andy's Pop-In

Every Tuesday at for 3 hours
Bromley: St Andrew
St Andrew's Church 134A Burnt Ash Lane Bromley, BR1 5AF, United Kingdom

This is a friendly weekly group for the active elderly, both men and women. It meets in the church hall. During the afternoon you can just chat or play Scrabble, or other table games or try your hand at table tennis, snooker or indoor bowls. A cup/mug of tea or coffee is provided during the afternoon with either biscuits or cake. Please phone Kath Goodwin on 020-8325-8863 for more details. There will be a small charge for this event.

Family and All-age Eucharist

Every First Sunday at for 50 mins
Bromley: St Andrew
St Andrew's Church 134A Burnt Ash Lane Bromley, BR1 5AF, United Kingdom

This is our most informal Eucharist which takes place at our modern nave altar, specially made for St Andrew's. The choir sit near the congregation and we try to include all ages in our gospel message. We use the piano, organ, or guitar to accompany hymns, anthems and sometimes worship songs. Young people and adults participate in the worship.

13th April Palm Sunday Service 10am

for 1 hour
Bromley: St Andrew
St Andrew's Church 134A Burnt Ash Lane Bromley, BR1 5AF, United Kingdom

Meet in the halls at 9.55am to process into church with palms. Blessing of the palms.

17th April Maundy Thursday 7pm

for 1 hour
Bromley: St Andrew
St Andrew's Church 134A Burnt Ash Lane Bromley, BR1 5AF, United Kingdom

Hand Washing. Holy Communion. Stripping the Altar.

18th April. Good Friday three hours at the cross from 12 noon.

for 3 hours
Bromley: St Andrew
St Andrew's Church 134A Burnt Ash Lane Bromley, BR1 5AF, United Kingdom

12 noon Stations of the Cross
1pm Meditation and Reflection
2pm Readings and Music with the Choir.
Please come and go as you wish for each hour or remain for all three.

19th April Service of The Light. Easter Eve. 7pm

for 1 hour
Bromley: St Andrew
St Andrew's Church 134A Burnt Ash Lane Bromley, BR1 5AF, United Kingdom

A fire is set at the doors of the church. We light the Easter Candle. Bring light into the church. We are reminded of our story from Creation to Easter. We share in the first Holy Communion of Easter.

20th April Easter Sunday Communion 10am

for 1 hour
Bromley: St Andrew
St Andrew's Church 134A Burnt Ash Lane Bromley, BR1 5AF, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion for Easter with the renewal of Baptism vows and the sprinkling of Holy water on the congregation.


at for 2 hours
Bromley: St Andrew
St Andrew's Church 134A Burnt Ash Lane Bromley, BR1 5AF, United Kingdom

This singing group meets at St Andrew's Church on the first Sunday of every month from 2.30-4.30 to share their love of song with each other - folk, opera, musical theatre, music hall - accompanied by John Collis from Morley College. Everyone is welcome to sing or listen. More info from Nanetta Justice 020 8460 7266

Women's Guild

Monday 12 February 2024 at for 1 hour
Bromley: St Andrew
St Andrew's Church 134A Burnt Ash Lane Bromley, BR1 5AF, United Kingdom

Meet twice a month. Please see Women's Guild Tab on left of the page for full programme.
For further information please contact Veronica Loh: 0208 4021422 email: [email protected]

Twice a month