Thought for the Day 2025

12th March 2025

Luke 4:6&7 I will give you all their authority and splendour; it has been given to me, and I can give it to anyone I want to. If you worship me, it will all be yours.

The Second Temptation is about… You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours. This temptation is for Jesus to take a shortcut to achieve His goal, to make a deal with the devil. The world would be better off if Jesus were in charge, but He wouldn’t be in charge! The Devil would. God chooses to rule the world not by force, but by love. That means sometimes things can go wrong. That is the result of free choice for us. We are tempted to take control of our little corner of the world. We know how to fix our little corner, right? We know how to fix our family, our friends, our school or workplace. There are simple things we could do and it would fix them, right? But it doesn’t! Unlike God, we can’t see the whole picture. And we aren’t perfect. We do not have all the answers. It is always better to trust things to God. No Shortcuts, no deals!

11th March 2025

Luke 4:3 The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread.”

The First Temptation of Jesus is about food. Jesus has fasted for 40 days and nights. He is hungry, the devil approaches Jesus and says use your divine power to turn a stone into bread. This is a temptation to use His divine power for Himself. Not for his heavenly Father. Not for humanity. But for Himself. If the Devil could get Jesus to think about himself, even just a little, then the devil has won. Because there is no way that Jesus will be crucified for our sins, if he begins thinking about Himself first. For us, once we decide to live for ourselves, and not for God, even just a little, we have begun wandering away from the faith. Because there is no way that we will do anything sacrificial, for God or for others, if we are thinking about ourselves. Being Selfish. It happens to us all, every day. Our lives are about much more than eating and drinking and working and sleeping. They are about our relationship with God that Jesus came to restore. Jesus is reminding us, that when we put that relationship with God first, then everything else makes sense. 

10th March 2025

Luke 4:1&2 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,  where for forty days he was tempted by the devil.

We remember, during Lent, the devil testing Jesus, tempting him. The devil is desperately seeking to stop Jesus from doing the work that our heavenly Father sent him to do. He knows Jesus will defeat him and death on the cross so he will stop at nothing to stop Jesus becoming our salvation. The Devil will also do the same to us. He will always try to convince us that there is an easier way, his. We can learn from Jesus how to spot these temptations and resist them. The key is the Bible and knowing what God says and does. If we know what God says and teaches then we will always know how to answer the devil and turn him away.

9th March 2025

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

While thinking about giving things up for Lent and fasting I was reminded this week that going without is a major issue for at least a quarter of the world’s population, many of whom have no option but to go without food or housing and clean water. For many today’s decision will not be about what to give up for Lent, or about fasting, it will be about survival. Will there be any food or water to enable them or their children to survive. Famine and drought are major killers in our world. This is a time to reflect on that. God does not intend people to die from these basics but general greed across the world has brought us here. Lent offers us the opportunity to both pray for and practically help those in need.

8th March 2025

Matthew 6:1 Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.

We are now in Lent, we are also in the Islamic Holy month of Ramadan. These both have links to self-evaluation, self-discipline, fasting, preparation, prayer, giving up bad habits, devoting oneself to our faith, charity, suffering, and how we live our lives. As with most things there are two ways we can react. Being loud and proud about what we are doing, or just getting on with it quietly, without a fuss. I know folk who want to tell you how much they have given up for Lent, or how hard it is to fast, and I know others who quietly do what their faith demands of them only speaking up in a general fashion about what faith requires of them when they are asked. Our righteousness is between us and God!

7th March 2025

Ephesians 6:14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place.

Today armour plating comes in the form of Kevlar, polycarbonate shields, bullet proof glass and bomb proof metals. It is all about protection from increasingly terrible weapons of aggression and war. St Paul used this practical, physical idea of amour to help us understand about protecting ourselves physically but also spiritually and mentally. Having faith in God means we are open to attack, open to insult, lies, condemnation and criticism and sometimes physical attack. I am regularly abused verbally in the street and have received very unpleasant and threatening letters and emails. Paul offers us ideas on protection of ourselves, through the armour of truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation and the Bible. The very opposite of violence, aggression and the horrors of battle. These are tools of protection that we have for daily living, tools which we courageously use daily to defend ourselves. Being people of truth and honesty, people of right, of peace, people of faith who live by the promises of God.

6th March 2025

Luke 9:33 As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” (He did not know what he was saying.)

I grew up with Action man, we had several in the house. The idea of the strong hero who was a soldier, an airman, someone who got stuck in. I see the disciple Peter as a bit of an action man, always jumping in with both feet, often before weighing up the right response. When Peter saw the Transfiguration, he could not believe his eyes. How could Moses and Elijah be here, standing and talking with Jesus. The whole thing was so incredible, Peter told Jesus that he thought that they should stay up there on the mountain and build three tents, one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. I know how he felt, I often don’t want to come back down from my favourite places because I love being up there, on top of the world it seems. But if we don’t come down and share God’s love with others, no one else will ever have those blessed experiences. 

5th March 2025

Jeremiah 17:10 “I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.”

As Christians in our world, can we do better? Yes. Can we change things through prayer? Yes. Can we ever do enough, probably not, but we should never give up trying. If our letters to local councillors and MP’s don’t illicit a response first time, write again, and again. If we are not happy with the response we get, challenge again. Pray as we write those letters and as we post them or email them. If our places of work are unpleasant, difficult, then we need to challenge, to pray, to make them better places by our presence, our words, our behaviour, by being the very presence of God where we are. Being the best we can be where we are for God.

4th March 2025

Luke 17:1 Sin will come but woe to the person who causes others to sin.

Would you describe yourself as a good friend? Do you cause upset or grief to others? Do you cause despair in your family? The world has sin or wrongdoing a plenty but we can and do sometimes play a part by being the cause of another to do wrong or be wronged. How we behave matters! If we cause others to struggle, get into trouble, lose faith, then we are not good or nice people. The effect we have on others really matters. Our actions, words, lies, cover ups, pranks can cause others distress, hurt, anger and sometimes punishment for them. Our actions and words have consequences. We need to be people who act wisely, who do not cause others to sin or struggle. We will get things wrong, we can be forgiven when we are sorry, but the difference is when we deliberately get things wrong, deliberately hurt others, misinform, cover up. How we live matters not only for ourselves but for others. We need to try and be the best of ourselves as we can be.

3rd March 2025

Luke 9: 28 About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray.

You and I will have many wonderful experiences as we follow Jesus. When we have great "mountaintop experiences" like Peter did on the mount of transfiguration, we might wish that it would never end. But we need to remember that when we follow Jesus and accept Him as our Lord and Saviour, the best is yet to come! This week we begin Lent, Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and then we walk with Jesus towards Easter. We recognise our need to live in our world as forgiven sinners who try to be better people and share the wonderful things that we have found in Jesus with others. Don’t miss out on what God has for you by staying on mountain top!

2nd March 2025

Ephesians 6:13 . Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

If you went into any school today you would find students in school uniform or in appropriate clothing for school life. Our dress reflects who we are and what we do. The green paramedic uniform. The scrubs or white coats of doctors, Army, Navy or Airforce uniforms, the clerical collar, uniforms of pilots, nurses, concierges, chefs and so on. Armour is the uniform covering used to protect the body from physical injury in a harmful situation. Early armour was made from leather skins and wadding made from wood. Once metal working came chain mail and plate became suits of armour. A person could have some protection when in a harmful situation. God’s armour comes from truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation and His word, the Bible. These are what protect us in daily life as Christians.

1st March 2025

Ephesians 2:19 "Therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints, and of the household of God."

Today is St David’s Day in Wales. People will wear a daffodil or a leek to remember St David who lived around 500 years after Jesus. He was a popular native Welshman who became Bishop in Wales. David treated people well, fought for the vulnerable, poor and sick, challenging injustice and unfairness. There were those who tried to kill him and discredit him but David lived his life for God and for others. He founded churches and monasteries and is linked to the rebuilding of Glastonbury Abbey. His shrine is at St David’s, Pembrokeshire. He believed in a simple life serving God by serving others. His famous saying was “Do the little things well”

28th February 2025

Luke 5:11 So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.

How did you come to Jesus? Through friends, family maybe. Can you pinpoint a time when Jesus called you to follow Him? When Jesus calls the first disciples by the lake, they leave their jobs and follow Him. He calls them, they follow. Sometimes God will call us to change our lives, to give up something, to follow Him. For some the calling will be full time, for others part time, for others it becomes a new job, for others it is a call to be the person they are in their present life. Each is different. For us the call can come at any time, we have to recognise it, recognise our own unworthiness and recognise God’s miraculous work in the ordinary. Let me encourage you, do what you do to the glory of God, use your skills and talents to share God’s love with everyone and then let God do the rest.

27th February 2025

Philippians 4:12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

Nelson Mandela said: “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” St Paul is very honest with us, we will face struggles, we will be knocked down, we will face difficulties but in God’s strength we will always have help, have assurance, build resilience and determination to get back up and keep going because we believe in what we are called to do. Our faith helps to build the determination and resilience we need. God gives us friends, family, colleagues, helpers to encourage and enable us. We are not alone. Be inspired to keep getting up and to build your story of resilience and determination that will inspire and help others.

26th February 2025

 1 Thessalonians 5:13 Hold each other in the highest regard in love. Live in peace with each other.

As children we so often react in a tit for tat manner. You did this to me so I will do this to you. These things easily get out of hand. In later life groups of people do the same, they try and excuse it but it never works, only escalates and gets out of hand. Poor, aggressive actions are used to justify dehumanising the other. We make excuses. No one deserves different treatment because of their gender, their religion, their life choice, their culture, their place of birth. Each one of us is a human being, the same and equal to one another. None of us chose where we were born, none of us choses our culture and none of us have to right to disregard another because they are different to us. Instead we should hold one another in high regard.

25th February 2025

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.

Often the last thing we do in any situation is pray, yet it should be our first option. We have nowhere else to turn but prayer. Knowing, through experience of self and others, that Prayer does change things, reminding ourselves that so often prayers have been answered and things changed when we thought they could not. Do we pray enough? No. Do I pray enough? No. Yet the key is prayer. Our relationship with God which encourages us, which blesses us and those around us, which enables us to do things we would not otherwise do and makes us people who believe in our God and His never-ending love for us.

24th February 2025

Mark 1:17 And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I will make you fish for people.’

What is the first thing you remember? I have heard stories of people remembering Christmas or birthdays when they were young, a special day trip or holiday. We all have the ability to remember, the happy times in life and the sad ones. The disciples will have remembered their first meeting with Jesus on the shore of the lake and how and why they followed Him. The Disciples will go on to remember Jesus being crucified even though He had done nothing wrong. We remember big events in our lives, Births, deaths, weddings, hospital stays, parties, sickness. We have the ability to remember and so not repeat the mistakes of the past. The child who burns their hand on a fire does not touch again. The adult who is hurt by someone they trust may find it hard to trust again. We make a mistake; we learn from it and we try to correct it. God has given us memories to use wisely.

23rd February 2025

Matthew 7:11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him.

At times in life everyone of us will feel aggrieved and hurt when someone does something wrong to us or those we love. Remember that everyone we hurt, that we maltreat, they feel the same. None of us have the monopoly on being offended or hurt and it does not justify mistreating others with malice. If we do not want or like things done to us, then others will not like it either. Therefore, do not do it or say it. We need to see those around us as equal and deserving of goodness just as much as we are. We are not entitled to any more than anyone else no matter who they are. Revenge is not justifiable in any circumstance, but love is. God did not exact revenge on us but rather gave His own Son out of His great love for us. We must do likewise.

22nd February 2025

Luke 6:26 Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.

Jesus teaching in Luke's account of the Beatitudes, tells us that being poor, hungry, weeping and reviled means we will be looked after, God will reward us in the end. The older I get, the more I feel aggrieved at being expected to wait until heaven for a better life. Life should not just be pie in the sky when we die! I fully believe we should be fighting for a better life for everyone here and now. We should get steak on the plate while we wait! This is the life in all it’s fullness that Jesus told us about. I do take great comfort from the next few verses, woe to the rich, woe to the full, woe to those enjoying life at the expense of others and obtaining plaudits and awards for being wealthy, in a certain club or for being the right gender or colour skin. I also take comfort from Psalm 1, those who cannot stand before God in their wickedness, who will perish. In the depths of my despair at our world, at the wars, the genocide, the ugly fascist politics, the greed and power, we have nowhere else to turn but to God. Nowhere else to go for help, strength and support than to God and each other in our faith.

21st February 2025

Matthew5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.

The pain of death, and the grief that comes with it, affects each of us in different ways, and we each have to walk through it in our own way. There will be days when the burden is light, and others when the burden is heavy, but whatever day today is, we also know that we have a God who walks with us, brings comfort to us in our sadness and shares the joy that we have in recalling the happy memories and times we shared. I encourage us all to draw on all the memories we cherish, and perhaps over time smile, and even laugh as we recall the way they enriched our lives. Let us be assured of God’s love, care and comfort for us throughout our lives, until that time when he calls us home and we are reunited with our loved ones.

20th February 2025

Mark 12:31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself. ’There is no commandment greater than these.”

We are witnessing some of the most awful treatment of groups of people across the world. The dehumanising, the pretending others are less than another group because of gender, race or colour, where you are educated, your background or belief system. We dehumanise people because they are disabled or sick or poor. Blaming others for things because we believe we are special and are better than others. This is simply not the case. Our treatment of the other is crucial to the sacredness of all life, to God’s creation of all as equal, and to the peace and goodness God wants for the world He created. 

19th February 2025

Psalm 1:3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, whatever they do prospers.

Fruitful trees by fresh water, or dry, shrivelled desert. Where are we? We are challenged about which side we are on. The side of wickedness, selfishness, greed, arrogance, aggression or the side of good, honesty, compassion, fruitful, sharing and peace. I long to be on the good side but freely admit I am feeling some of that aggression towards those who are treating the poor, vulnerable, sick and disabled so appallingly in order to assert their strength and increase their wealth and power. I am currently in despair of our world. I have been taken back to my younger years where I dreaded the threat of nuclear war and hated going to sleep in case I never woke up. I see injustice and unfairness everywhere and everything I can do seems to bear no fruit. This verse promises whatever I do will prosper, so we must not give up yielding our fruit in season, it will make a difference.

18th February 2025

Luke 5:5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

There is something about Jesus that even though it’s the wrong time of day, the fishermen have not caught anything all night, they still do as Jesus asks, a little reluctantly, but they do it. What happens next is a miracle. It goes against the norm and so the disciples know that Jesus is definitely someone special. Simon Peter recognises he is not worthy. A lesson for all of us in humility. Jesus simply takes their life skills, the thing they know and understand and says now I am going to teach you how to use these skills to catch humans. Not literally as in throwing a net over them and hauling them in, but use their skills and talents to spread the news about Jesus and encourage people to come and find Jesus for themselves. Find Jesus in their jobs, in their lives and families, find Jesus in every part of their life.

17th February 2025

Matthew 7:12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.

We have all heard the saying Do the right thing! The choices we make every time we make a decision, we decide on what is right or wrong. A couple of weeks ago we remembered the horrors of the Holocaust, where the right thing was not done. This verse says do to others what you would have them do to you; If we applied that phrase to the Holocaust then the Nazis too would have been tortured, interred, experimented on, and murdered. But what actually happened, and is still happening, is those chosen to be picked on and scapegoated are dehumanised, made out to be less than us and therefore any punishment is wrongly excused and seen as justified. If we put ourself in the position of the other, just as God did for us in Jesus, we will see that how we treat others matters. All human, all equal.

16th February 2025

Luke 5: 31,32 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”

I have to say I am not a big fan of HMRC or tax collectors, not because of paying tax, I believe very strongly we all should. It does appear that because the very wealthy seem to pay a lot less tax, are rarely ever chased up while poorer folk are chased for every penny, often only a few pounds, it all seems very unfair. Fairness is a big thing for me! Tax collectors have always been unpopular, so when Jesus eats and drinks with them, and calls one to be His disciple tongues begin to wag, accusations are made. His reply is to remind them that only those who are sick need a doctor. If all Jesus did was to mix with those who already believed, no one else could come and find the joy, He came for everyone. For us to, if we do not mix with and share with others, regardless their views and opinions, we cannot share the good news with them. Mixing with people does not mean we condone or agree with everything they do, it means we care enough about them to want them to find God and His love for themselves.

15th February 2025

John 2:11 Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs in Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him.

This wedding narrative transcends time, inviting believers to reflect on their own celebrations and challenges. It encourages individuals to approach life with faith, trusting that God is present during both joyous occasions and tough times. As we navigate through modern-day experiences, this story inspires us to embrace hope and abundance. For many Christians today, it reinforces the idea that miracles can occur when we invite Jesus into our lives. Whether it's a family gathering or a personal struggle, there's significance in knowing He cares for every detail. This timeless account continues to resonate deeply within the fabric of Christian belief—reminding us all about love, community, and divine grace woven throughout life's journey.

14th February 2025

Luke 5:4 When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

If Jesus appeared at your place of work or at your place of expertise, how would you feel if you were told by Jesus to change how you do things, would we think it was a bit of a cheek? Probably! But that is exactly what Jesus does, He steps into our lives, our world, our experiences and challenges the norm. He turns our lives, our experiences on their heads. He challenges and equips us to use our skills and expand our horizons. To use the things, we know and are good at to share His story with the world. The best evangelism comes from stories, life experiences, friendship, being who we are where we are as God’s representatives. Every one of us needs to keep on top of our skills, be willing to be challenged and be willing to grow and learn. We are never beyond improvement and God will always bless us and encourage us as we seek to do our best for Him.

13th February 2025

John 2:7 Jesus told them, “Fill the jars with water.” So they filled them to the brim.

The story of the wedding at Cana serves as a powerful reminder of Jesus’ presence in our everyday lives. It shows that joy and celebration are integral to the human experience, and that Christ desires to be part of those moments. The miracle of turning water into wine illustrates not only His divine power but also His willingness to meet our needs, even in seemingly trivial matters. The miracle serves as a reminder that Jesus cares about our daily lives and celebrations, intertwining the sacred with the mundane seamlessly. This narrative encourages us to recognise moments where miracles might occur within daily life. By embracing faith and being open-hearted, we can find joy even in ordinary circumstances.

12th February 2025

2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

To be independent and free we cannot force another to do as we want. We cannot want freedom and independence for ourselves if we are not willing to allow it for others. Differing views and opinions are what keep us in check, in balance. Once all are forced to think the same and act the same, dictatorships abound, and all freedom of thought and action is lost. God has given us the incredible ability of independent thought and action. It is to be valued and treasured not misused. That is why we need a spirit of wisdom and revelation and why we need to be educated on a daily basis and awake to those who will try to take it away. May we value our freedom and independence, use it wisely, fight for it, challenge those who would take it away and be gracious in accepting that others need their freedom and independence too.

11th February 2025

Luke 2:19 But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.

Over the years my view of loss and death has altered considerably, and much of this has been through the privilege I have had of walking with countless families as they have prepared for their loved one’s funeral. Every time I meet a family, I don’t know what to expect, sometimes they are overcome by the grief of loss, and at other times there can be a feeling of peace. I sometimes meet a family who are able to laugh because of the character of the person who has died, but more often than not I see the tears of love and sadness in their eyes as they begin to come to terms with their loss. It is through all of these experiences I have learnt the healing power of the memories that are held within a family. Memories which allow families to cherish loved ones in many different ways. Memories which enable us to see things in perspective, memories given to us by God.

10th February 2025

Luke 5:2 He saw at the water’s edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing their nets.

What do you know about fishing? I know about taking a net and catching tadpoles in the local pond. My son has rods and lines and fishes sometimes. We all know that many of our seas have been overfished and that fishing rights are a contentious issue in our country. The four disciples were fishermen, it was their living, they understood tides, weather, best places, best times to fish. Into this expertise comes Jesus. He first uses their boat to escape the crowd pressing in on Him and then He teaches them. He then proceeds to tell these first Disciples to take their boats further out and then to fish. Simon points out that this does not fit in with their expertise and knowledge. It is like Jesus coming into my classroom and telling me how I should teach. In fairness, we all need reminding how to improve, but questioning our basic knowledge and experience, a bit much maybe? 

9th February 2025

Luke 3:22b Then a voice came from heaven, saying, “You are my Son, whom I love, and I am very pleased with you.”

We all like being praised, being told we are wonderful, reliable, trustworthy and most of all to be told we are loved. It often surprises people to know that God wants us to know how much we are loved by Him. He tells His son Jesus how loved He is and these words were not just for Jesus. Imagine what it would mean to hear God saying to you, ‘You are my children, with you I am delighted’. You are mine!` That is exactly what God does say to us. That is exactly who we are, God’s sons and daughters, precious and lovely in his sight. God loves each one of us. God delights in each one of us. As Jesus is baptised; He prays; and receives the assurance of God’s favour, so too we are baptised and born again in the Spirit; so too we pray and are blessed and receive assurance that we are children of God, beloved and well pleasing in his sigh

8th February 2025

Isaiah 42:1a Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights. I have put my Spirit upon him’.

Sometimes I am asked “so, who exactly is Jesus?” I usually talk of Him being God’s son and that God is well pleased and delighted with Him. This lovely passage in Isaiah, is a prophecy of the coming Messiah, in which God identifies Jesus as the one whom He upholds, the one in whom God delights, the one on whom God’s Holy Spirit has descended, the one who will become our Saviour. The Isaiah reading goes onto tell us that God says to us "I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are mine". It is no coincidence that these words are used by Bishops at our confirmations. We are part of the family of God. Joint heirs with Jesus, our Saviour and Lord.

7th February 2025

Luke 19:41 As Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the city, He wept over it

What makes you cry or weep? As much as we try to say “nothing really, I don’t cry”… we all do and need to. Weeping or crying is God given way to express God given emotions. To realise hurt and upset. Not crying, not letting our emotions out stifles our feelings and means we lose the ability to empathise, to show compassion. We lose our emotional intelligence. Creating a brave front, damages us inside emotionally, mentally, and physically. Weeping allows us to express our sadness over loss, physical loss of friends, family, pets, but also loss of opportunity. Grieving for what might have been. Jesus wept over Jerusalem, over His friend’s death, in the garden at the coming of His arrest then death. His humanity, His love for others expressed in His weeping. It is okay to cry, to weep. I do it, I could not do my job if I didn’t. I could not be a mum, wife, daughter, friend if I did not weep or cry. We all need to weep or cry, God gave us this ability to enable us to be better people, it is good for us!

6th February 2025

Luke 11: 30 For as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so also will the Son of Man be to this generation.

How often do we say prove it, show me, I want to see it. We like proof, we want to know if what we are being told or believe is actually true. Jesus was constantly asked to prove himself and He did. People were healed, helped, fed, even raised from death. They still wanted more. When Jesus spoke here he was referring to Jonah and Nineveh, how God sent help, the people listened and things changed for the better. The signs are clearly there, the pointers to Jesus in the prophets, Psalms, in their teaching, but still the religious leaders refused to see. How often do we refuse to see because it does not fit with our narrative. The signs are there, it is our choice whether we believe and whether we act on that belief. 

5th February 2025

John 2:6 His mother, Mary, said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you”.

Apart from at Christmas we often forget the vital role Mary plays in Jesus’ life. At Cana faith emerges as a crucial element when Mary directs servants to follow Jesus' instructions without hesitation. Their trust leads to an incredible outcome, highlighting how belief can unlock potential beyond our understanding. This highlights practical faith. Mary’s request reflects trust in her son’s capabilities, encouraging others to believe as well. This moment invites us all to recognise that belief can lead to extraordinary outcomes, even from ordinary circumstances. Another vital lesson lies in obedience. Mary’s instruction to the servants highlights the value of listening and acting upon guidance when it comes from a place of love.

4th February 2025

Luke 2:26 Simeon had been told by the Holy Spirit that he would not die before he saw the Christ promised by the Lord.

What promises have you made? Tidy your room, pick up your clothes, be good, not take mum’s chocolate, not to tell on a friend, not to lie ……. Have you kept these promises? Maybe one or two but we so easily break promises. Why don’t we keep them? Human nature, we do what is better for ourselves. What excuses do we make when we break promises? I forgot, wasn’t me, slipped out, better this way. Thankfully God keeps His promises! No excuses. It may not happen instantly but if God promises something, it will happen. God promised Simeon and Anna they would see the saviour. They did! They had to wait many years but God kept His promise. God keeps His promises! Sometimes it takes a while. Try to be patient.

3rd January 2025

Luke 2:34b God has chosen this child to cause the fall and rise of many in Israel. He will be a sign from God that many people will not accept.

There is an old tradition that Candlemas, 40 days after Christmas Day, is the day that ends the Christmas season, when everyone’s nativity scene and decorations should finally be taken down. This is because on that day we turn from Christmas towards Easter; from Jesus’ birth to Jesus’ death. Candlemas, also called the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, is kind of a pivotal point for the new year, the day when we turn from cradle to cross; birth to death. Simeon’s prophecy in the Temple contains this pivot. He speaks of the pain and hurt to come but also the fulfilment of God’s promised Messiah through Jesus Christ. 

2nd February

John 2:1 On the third day there was a wedding in Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.

In my life family is really important. God put us in families with people to love and care for us and us for them. Family and community also play vital roles in this story of Jesus at the wedding. By performing his first miracle at a wedding, Jesus underscores the importance of relationships and celebration within communal settings. This act clearly underscores Jesus' connection to humanity. By performing a miracle during a joyful celebration, He affirms the importance of community and relationships. The choice of wine symbolises richness and life, central to Jesus’ mission. The story of the wedding at Cana offers timeless lessons for today’s readers. It reminds us of the importance of community and celebration. Life's milestones, like weddings, are meant to be shared with others.

1st February 2025

Luke 3:21 Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened.

How often do you pray? How do you pray? Do you ever find things happen when you pray? Luke tells us that while Jesus was praying God’s voice is heard from the heavens. Jesus would often go into the desert to be alone with God. Prayer is key to the Son of God; it is key to us as well. It’s in these moments of prayer, these moments of intimacy between Jesus and his Father, that the heavens are opened and the voice of God confirms him and us: You are my child; in you I am well pleased. It is also in the moments of prayer, of intimacy between us and God that things can happen. God can bless us, use us, affirm us, but we must spend time with Him for this to happen.

31st January 2025

Luke 4:40 At sunset, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying his hands on each one, he healed them.

We all get ill sometimes, some more serious than others. We long to get well, go to see whoever can help us, take the medication, accept the treatment. Healing is that miracle that so often occurs when we cut ourselves, break a bone, beat off an infection. These miracles are happening every day across the world. We are used to them. We rarely give God the credit for these amazing bodies that so often heal themselves. Yes, sometimes we can’t heal, sometimes an illness is too much but these are a lot less than they used to be as God given science moves forward. Jesus healed so many, overruled creation as it was then. He showed that God’s perfection does not want suffering or illness. Our role is to pray for the sick, to use the God given cures and treatments. To encourage the research and discovery and allow God to work. It isn’t easy, especially when it affects us personally. God only wants the best for us, we must allow Him to work.

30th January 2025

Luke 5:36 He told them this parable: “No one tears a piece out of a new garment to patch an old one. Otherwise, they will have torn the new garment, and the patch from the new will not match the old.”

We all love new things, new clothes, books, shoes, games and so on. We also treasure old things. I still have my first teddy bear, my first proper fountain Pen, my first bible. As with everything it is about finding a balance between the old, we treasure, and the new things God is doing. Jesus became very unpopular with religious leaders because he questioned their devout fixation on the old and the lack of seeing what God was doing now and being part of that. Ordinary people had become imprisoned in traditions for tradition’s sake. Jesus came to bring freedom and life in all it’s fullness. Sometimes things need to change, not for change’s sake, but because God is at work, doing new things and we need to be looking, listening, learning and joining in His work and His ways.

29th January 2025

Matthew 20:16 The last will be first and the first will be last.

We tend to think that talking about things is okay but meddling, getting involved, is not. Religion has no place in politics, we declare! We easily blame the ones Jesus says we should be helping; it is their fault for being homeless, poor, in debt. The papers say it is; the government says it is and even the news coverage says everything is their fault. We use the church as an escape from, rather than an engagement with, the world. We are content with just having a quiet friend in Jesus. Well, here’s the thing; Jesus doesn’t just talk, He meddles, He gets involved. He raises a question waiting for a response. Jesus is trouble for the status quo and an interruption to business as usual. His world is one in which the hungry are filled with good things and the rich are sent away empty. Jesus promises a new life and a new ordering of that life. And we are the keepers or breakers of that promise. There is no neutral stand when it comes to Jesus. We all have to take a stand. The only question is for what and with whom do you and I stand? 

28th January 2025

Romans 12:5 So we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

Once we become Christians, we become part of God’s family and part of a church family. Within this family will be those who are widows and orphans, people without immediate families. God has placed us in a family through faith. As a spiritual family the church is supposed to protect people from the dangers in the world. We should help each other grow into healthy, productive citizens of the community. We urge each other in our development as mature Christ-like adults. We teach how to eat the Bread of Life. All this is done within this caring community called the family of God. We protect each other. That is why God sets the lonely within families. We need to protect each other. It’s obvious that it’s the nuclear family in which the physical provisions of food, shelter and clothing are made. But, a healthy church becomes the family of God to us, supplementing and complementing contributions of a good home and helping us to make good the deficiencies of a poor home. They help us cope with life, enabling us to live well in community.

27th January 2025

Luke 4:21 He began by saying to them, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.”

How far will we go for this gospel we claim to love and follow? What are we willing to do and what are we not? Those are choices we make every day. The gospel asks us to make a choice, to take a stand, and sometimes that will inconvenience us, be contrary to our self-interest, or put us in conflict and even opposition with others, ourselves, our family, our country, our religion. It is not easy. No turning back now! We all have fears and concerns about taking stand, about living the gospel. We know how easy and tempting it is to let the gospel go in one ear and out the other. We also know that if Jesus’ words are to be fulfilled then we will have to change.

26th January 2025

Luke 4:18b He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.

Social media has been full of the Bishop of Washington who spoke truth to power and asked the new president to show compassion to the vulnerable. As you can imagine he did not like it. When God’s truth is spoken to rich and powerful people, they do not like it. That is not a reason not to do it! Are we actively bringing Good News to the poor; release to the captives; sight to the blind; freedom for the oppressed? Are we speaking truth to power? That’s Jesus’ way. It’s a way of living and relating, are we willing to do this? How far are we willing to go? We cannot be certain of where this will lead, what will happen along the way, or what is coming toward us. And yet, we are being asked to make a stand. For God’s sake are we willing to speak out, to speak truth to power.

25th January 2025

Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us.

Being able to imagine is a fundamental aspect of human life. It enables us to look beyond the world as it is. To see the bigger picture. Imagination helps create different lenses through which we can view the world. To see things from other perspectives. Our imagination can make it possible to think about alternative realities from “what is” and think about “what could be.” It is the ability to “see” something that does not presently exist. Focusing only on what we already know can limit our ability to think more broadly. To see the bigger picture. To think about not just what God has done and is doing but what He can do, what He will do if we will only let Him.

24th January 2025

John 2:10 “Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one; but you have kept the good wine until now.”

Jesus' first miracle at the wedding in Cana holds profound significance. It marks the beginning of His public ministry, revealing His divine authority. Transforming water into wine was not just a display of power; it illustrated His ability to bring joy and abundance. To bring life in all its fullness. Jesus transformed water into wine, showcasing that there is always more than enough if we trust in God’s divine provision. This can inspire us to look beyond scarcity and embrace generosity in our lives. This is God's abundance. Jesus didn't just provide enough wine; he ensured there was more than enough for everyone present. This reflects a generous spirit and should encourage us to embrace God's plentiful blessings in our lives. 

23rd January 2025

John 2:2 Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the wedding.

Have you been to a wedding recently? I am actually holding a wedding rehearsal later today and very much looking forward to it. It is a real privilege to be part of such a wonderful occasion. Weddings are times of joy and celebration, family and friends come together. The story of the wedding at Cana presents several key themes that can resonate deeply with us. One prominent theme is transformation. The act of turning water into wine symbolises a shift from the ordinary to the extraordinary, reminding us that change is always possible. Reminding us that God can take the ordinary everyday things of life and turn them into whatever is needed, those special answers to prayer, moments of joy, moments of blessing.

22nd January 2025

Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

We live through differing times as we grow up. I have watched and fought for women’s rights all my life, I have seen them vastly improve, but now I am watching them retreat and be dismissed as more and more misogyny is peddled. We have witnessed a huge attack on women’s rights in America and it is only going to get worse under the new administration. This is where independent thinking and living is taken away by laws introduced to make people behave in the way those who lead want them to. These restrictions of independence will face us more and more in coming years and we need to realise that if we want independence of thought and action then we must afford others the same, even when they disagree with us. 

21st January 2025

Luke 3:16b I am not even worthy to untie His sandals. He will baptize you with fire, with the Holy Spirit.

Remember only a few weeks ago Luke’s description of the angels announcing the good news to the shepherds in the field. The heavens were opened, and the angel’s declared peace to all those on whom God’s favour rests, those in whom God is pleased. Luke is making a deliberate link between the Christmas story of Jesus’ conception and birth, and the story of Jesus’ baptism. It’s the same Holy Spirit at work, opening the heavens and descending upon those in whom God is well pleased. It’s not surprising that Luke is making connections between Jesus’ birth and his baptism. After all, baptism is a kind of second birth. In baptism, Jesus himself tells us, we are born again of water and the Spirit. When we are baptised, we are symbolically washed of our sins and made new or reborn. 

20th January 2025

Luke 3:22a And the Holy Spirit came down on him in the form of a dove.

It seems odd that in the season of Epiphany, just a few weeks after Jesus’ birth we are now suddenly onto His adult baptism. It is as if the telescope has been stretched open and we have jumped from birth to adulthood. At Jesus’ baptism, the Holy Spirit descended upon him like a dove. This is the same Spirit that hovered over the waters of chaos at the beginning of Genesis. It’s the same Spirit that will shortly fill Jesus with the power of God and drive him out into the wilderness to prepare for his ministry. Think back a couple of chapters to Luke’s account of the beginning of the story of Jesus. The angel Gabriel tells Mary that the Spirit will descend upon her and overshadow her – hover over her. It’s the same image, the Spirit descending. That same Spirit is ready and waiting to descend upon us if we are willing.

19th January 2025

Romans 8:26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

The process of self-discovery can be uncomfortable. It can mean confronting parts of ourselves that we may not like. But how can we learn to love those difficult parts of ourselves or find a way to change them if we do not acknowledge they are there? Self-discovery also involves trying new activities. Getting out of our comfort zone and challenging oneself to explore new things, this will help us discover more about our likes and dislikes. Once we learn more about ourselves, we will live with more purpose. We will make choices more aligned with who we are in Jesus and who we want to become in our Christian lives. We are reminded that we are given strength in our weakness by God’s Spirit within us. That Spirit working with us to find out who we are and how we should live. Discovering that as we approach our God given life as truly self-aware people and learn from it, things will work out for the best.

18th January 2025

Luke 11:34 Your eye is the lamp of the body, if it is healthy your whole body is full of light, if it is not healthy your whole body is full of darkness.

Sometimes we refer to someone as a shining example. They exude certain qualities which attract others to them. We all desire to have that quality. The Bible teaches that our eyes are the lamp of our body, they are also called the windows of our soul. What we see matters! If we are constantly watching violence, aggression, lying, cheating then we will reflect that in ourselves. What we see and experience affects us for good or for bad. So, we need to think about what we allow into ourselves and thus about how we live. Are we people who shine, shine out goodness, peace, love, compassion, care. We need to be full of God’s light, full of Jesus the light of the world so that we can shine as God’s people in everything we do. If we do this then others will be drawn to us and to God because of the light they see emanating from us. 

17th January 2025

Isaiah 49:15 Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.

I like to remember events, times, people and I will often note things down to aid my memory. One of the greatest gifts that God has given us is the Gift of Memories. Memories are particularly important when someone dies whether our loved one died recently or in years gone by, we now treasure the memory of those times that we had together. Times of joy, times of sorrow, times of sadness and times of fun, and the memory of how they enriched our lives continues. The Bible is a book of memories. Memories of God and how he nurtured his chosen people in the good and bad times in their lives. Much of our lives, especially as we get older, is built in memories. Memories which we treasure, memories which rekindle joy, relive experiences, offer comfort and sometimes even offer a clearer way forward. God holds us in His memory, never forgets us. He remembers us even when we forget Him.

16th January 2025

Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

On a daily basis we want to live well, to have a good day. There is a phrase that says "Today is always yesterdays tomorrow." In other words, every day is a new day, a day when we can make right the mistakes of the past, where we can arise and shine in the light. The present, here and now, is the best place to practice the hopes of the past. To start again. One bad day does not make a bad week, month or year. We have the opportunity to make the most of each new day, as Winnie The Pooh reminds us, that is why we call it the Present. It is a gift to us. Each new day has the opportunity to start afresh. There is a poem called the Land of Beginning Again by Louisa Fletcher. Well worth a read. It speaks of wanting to drop all the mistakes of the day away like a shabby coat. That is exactly what God offers. To let go of the past and start new every day. God does not want our mistakes to define our story, neither should we.

15th January 2025

Psalm 4:6 Many, Lord, are asking, “Who will bring us prosperity? Who will fight for justice?” Let the light of your face shine on us.

I remember when Star Wars: A New Hope came out. Excited to see it, to become part of this heroic story we watched and cheered as a mixed bunch of people from planets and races joined forces to make a stand against an evil empire. They were called the Rebel Alliance. They succeed in their mission because of teamwork and perseverance. They fight for each other no matter their culture or race. Their thoughtful action has an impact, as does ours. We are called to be people who make a stand against injustice, who work with others who are different to us and yet desire the same justice and freedoms we do. We have the opportunity to make an impact on our world by how we work with others, how we work with those things which unite us and make us stronger. Thoughtful action is God working amongst us to change things for the good of all.

14th January 2025

2 Corinthians 4:9 There are many enemies, but we are never without a friend; and though badly hurt at times, we are not destroyed.

The recent news that the Taliban have stopped all education for women, treat them as slaves and disrespect them reminds me of Malala Yousafzai’s incredible courage and resilience which continues to inspire people worldwide. Despite facing unimaginable adversity from the Taliban, who sought to deprive girls of their right to education, Malala fearlessly stood up for what she believed in. In 2012, her unwavering determination led her to be targeted by a Taliban gunman, resulting in a life-threatening injury. However, Malala’s strength and perseverance shone through as she miraculously survived the attack. She continues to fight for the education of girls worldwide despite continuing threats to her life. It is fair to say we, in the west, have let down these women and girls and that is not the Christian way to behave. God values them and so must we. Keep praying for them and for change. These wonderful people who have overcome disability, imprisonment, torture, gender and culture barriers, people who have made a stand because of the inner strength, their belief in right, in honesty and fairness. Their faith in God to change the world and His use of them to do so. We might not be known for what we do, but every day we fight for what we believe in, we struggle against the odds, we overcome disabilities, culture and gender stereotypes, unfairness and injustice. So often we seem to make little progress and yet In God’s strength, in God’s timing and purpose things do change and we must not give up praying or standing up for what is right in Him.

13th January 2025

Exodus 35:31 He has filled us with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills.

If I asked you how rich your life experience was, how would you reply? The richer our personal experience is, the richer the ingredients for imagining and seeing the bigger picture. Our creativity and imagination is nourished by various resources on which we can draw. Through books and reading, art, discussions with others, and our education, we can build our knowledge of events and places to widen our experiences for the future. Imagining events from a distance encourages abstract thinking and that boosts creativity and big picture thinking. The Bible challenges us to think creatively, to think on the things that change lives. The Spirit is given to help us, to broaden our understanding, knowledge and skills. As always it is up to us to tap into what God has for us.

12th January 2025

Ephesians 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you.

We can only learn independence when we have been dependent. When we know what it is like to depend on others for our basic needs. As we learn to provide for ourselves, we learn to be independent. For many the full experience comes when we go off to university, live away from home and suddenly have to cook, clean and wash our own clothes. What a shock that can be for some of us. Our independent thinking has come much earlier, as we push the boundaries, learn about society, its values, its functions, listen to social media, follow people and develop our opinions. That independence is a gift and one we need to treasure and defend as many would try to control our independent thinking for their own gain. The hope to which we are called offers us the independent choice to follow God’s ways or those of the world.

11th January 2025

Psalm 68:5 Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. God settles the solitary in a home…

Quite simply God put us in families. Dr. Ted Ward, a professor at Michigan State University and Trinity Seminary, in his work on the family, refers to this verse when he discusses the three basic functions of a family. The first function is protection, protecting the widows and orphans. When he explains this function, John Huffman says that being part of a family helps the individual, both child and adult, become more competent to deal with social realities. The very way we are held, fed by bottle or breast, talked to, prayed for, nurtured or not nurtured has a profound future impact on how we view ourselves and others. Healthy parenting provides a secure base of acceptance from which an individual can move out into the world. We achieve competence. We become better able to reach out. God provides family for widows and orphans; we are part of that family as Christians and we have a role to play in protecting each other as we grow.

10th January 2025

2 Corinthians 4:10 At all times we carry in our mortal bodies the death of Jesus, so that his life also may be seen in our bodies.

Women have not exactly had it easy across the centuries or the world. Still treated as second class or worse, women are so often key in life’s discoveries and often do not get the credit. Marie Curie, a name synonymous with brilliance and remarkable scientific discoveries, continues to inspire generations of aspiring scientists. As the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize, her ground breaking work in “radiation phenomena” has left an indelible mark on the scientific community. Born in the Russian Empire, Curie’s path towards greatness was paved with immense challenges and obstacles that she fearlessly overcame. Her unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of knowledge revolutionised the field of science and shattered gender barriers. Working for the good of humanity she persisted at cost to herself so others could benefit. There is often a very high cost to serving others and society.

9th January 2025

Romans 8:28 We discover and know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

As we explore the world around us, we may forget that there is a unique world inside each of us. There are hills and valleys worth exploring. Like all good adventures, the journey of self-discovery can be scary. It requires us to confront our fears, habits, and other things that are holding us back. Self-awareness is the key, developing a deep understanding of our character, feelings, and desires. Good self-awareness gives us greater self-control, empathy, creativity, and self-esteem. It also offers us increased work satisfaction, collaboration, and confidence when making decisions. In understanding who God has made us to be we are able to fulfil our potential and in doing so change the world for good.

8th January 2025

Ecclesiastes 3: 1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Something we all have in common is that we have suffered bereavement and grief, the loss of loved ones, the sense of loss that we still feel so raw within our lives. We can draw comfort from one another in our losses and we have the opportunity to reflect on the many memories we cherish, treasure and hold onto as we let go of our loved one’s presence and entrust them to our loving Father in heaven. For some it is still very much a time to mourn, still a time to weep as an expression of our sorrow, and this is perfectly right and natural to do. For others it may be a time of healing as we have passed through the initial grief, and are now beginning to come to terms with the loss. Although we know that our loss will never fully leave us, in time many of us will come to a time of laughter, where recalling the happy memories brings us joy and happiness rather than the feeling of total loss which can at times feel all consuming.

7th January 2025

Micah 5:2 But you, Bethlehem, though you are least among the clans of Judah, Out of you will come One who is to rule over Israel.

Have you ever thought something just cannot be right in your experience or opinion, you think you know best? Herod though he knew best about a prophecy concerning Jesus’ birth. “Nonsense!” Herod thought. “Rulers don’t come from little places like Bethlehem!” To him Bethlehem had no value or importance. Herod learned that the Magi were royal advisers to the king of Persia. They were certainly wise men. Their main job was to study the stars and interpret the signs so their king would know what to do. They knew the importance of the prophecy. Their story threatened Herod’s Kingship so Herod smiled a fake smile and sent them to find this precious child, asking then come back and tell him where he was. His plan was to get rid of the child. Bethlehem is so important to us in the Christmas story but to Herod it was nothing. There is a clear lesson for us in not deciding what has value and what doesn’t. God uses the unimportant, the least likely to achieve his ways. God always knows best.

6th January 2025

Matthew 2:3 When King Herod heard this, he was frightened, and all Jerusalem with him.

I was once eating dinner in the city, a birthday treat, when a minor celebrity came in and became angry that there was no table for him. He shouted, “Don’t you know who I am?” He had a very high opinion of himself. In the story of the Three kings following the star, King Herod was furious! “How dare these Magi come into my city and ask, ‘Where is the King of the Jews?’ I AM KING OF THE JEWS! Don’t they know who I am, my achievements; my fame; my wealth? I am Herod the Great, second only to Caesar.” For Herod it was all about power and prestige, achievement and wealth. He was willing to do whatever it took to keep those things. Tricks, bribes, lies, cheating, violence. His motives were totally selfish. As we enter a new year, we should always examine our motives in everything we do and say. If we are acting selfishly then we need to challenge ourselves and change.

5th January 2025

Matthew 2:12 And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they left for their own country by another road.

As we remember Herod and the Magi, think about this: Which one are we? Herod was all about power and wealth, and the things of this world. The Magi had the things of this world, but they understood that there had to be more. Herod knew what he had could be taken away from him. The Magi were at peace, because they had found Jesus the saviour. Herod was a driven person who wanted success more than anything else, who did whatever it took to get what he wanted, even if it meant hurting other people. He insisted on being in control. Is that us? Or are we one of the Magi? People who know that there’s more to life than the things of this world? Who are willing to follow God’s call wherever it leads? Willing to humble ourself and worship fully? Willing to open our treasure chest and give Jesus the best we have? Herod or Magi. Which one are we? Which one would we rather be?

4th January 2025

Matthew 2:1 In the time of King Herod, after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem.

As we come to Epiphany, we think of the Magi or Three Kings journey to find the New King. When they found Jesus, without any hesitation, they fell down and they worshipped. They encountered the presence of God and they responded with total surrender. These wealthy, well-dressed men from the royal courts of Persia fell to their knees before a tiny little child on His mum’s lap. How humble were these Magi. They saw this child and saw a king more powerful than Herod. They were so moved that they threw open their treasure chests and they gave Jesus their all. These Kings, these Magi were changed. They heard God and went home a different way; they went home different people. God changed them, will we let God change us?

3rd January 2025

Luke 1:53 he has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.

The recent events in France and the sexual abuse of a woman by her husband and so many men show us that we still live in a world where politicians, judges and men can belittle women and treat them as property and less than them. We still live in a culture which thinks it can tell women (and men too, for that matter) what to eat, how to look, how to behave. The radical vision of Mary’s Magnificat is not a song for just women. It’s a song by a woman, which has and should become the song of every person who shares that vision of a better world, where the hungry are fed and the powerless enabled, where wealth and influence are equally distributed, and nobody is made more perfectly in the image of God than anyone else. Mary’s song isn’t a fantasy, it isn’t a fairy tale. The evils of anger and greed are as much of a threat now as they ever were, perhaps more so. Change that began with Mary continues with us.

2nd January 2025

Luke 1:30 The angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God.

A great deal of nonsense has attached itself to the figure of Mary over the centuries. Popes and church leaders have made proclamations with no evidence or knowledge. She sums up the inconsistency and contradictions of a Church which took 600 years, to declare officially that women had souls, and another 600 years, after that, to begin to take seriously the theological implications of Jesus’ humanity. That debate lies at the heart of the confusion about what exactly it is that we celebrate each Christmas. The very point with Mary is that she is indeed human; for if Mary isn’t human then nor is Jesus, and if Jesus is not human then we are not saved. Jesus is both fully God and fully human. Mary’s existence as a human physical woman has been problematic for the church too. Mary’s virginity and her motherhood have been used down the centuries to limit options for all women: and even today in the 21st century there’s still a judgement about those women who are neither a virgin nor a mother. Look how long it took to allow women in ministry and even now they are not equal with men.

1st January 2025

Romans 12:18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.

As we move into 2025 and a New Year, we have the opportunity to make changes. We can each do our bit to make the world a better and kinder place for all. We can know Peace ourselves through giving freely and joyfully to those around us; that giving can be in the form of time, patience, company and material gifts. We can give to charity, help our fellow human beings and free ourselves from the binding chains we have forged from our poor past behaviour and choices. Repentance, the turning round of life, is offered freely by God to all. Jesus coming that first Christmas was to do exactly that, offer us the chance to turn our lives around, to become forgiven people of peace and joy in our communities and to spread that peace and joy to those around us. It is in living out peace and joy in our homes, families and communities that makes a difference and will change people’s lives for the better. Have a happy and blessed new year!