Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ
I am delighted to inform you that St George’s Church reopened for worship on Sunday 5 July 2020. Our doors now open from 9.00 am for our Parish Eucharist at the usual time of 9.30 am. I am also delighted to inform we that we now have members of the choir (socially distanced) singing during the service. Although there is currently no 8.00 am service, we hope to recommence Choral Evensong in October.
I am very grateful to all those who work to ensure the church remains open and for the many volunteers who help during the week and on Sunday. Their hard work and commitment is much appreciated.
We are required to re-open in small steps so some things will be different, for example:
1. We are required to make a note of who is present for the purpose of Track and Trace;
2. We provide single-use service books for you to take away and dispose of safely;
3. No refreshments will be served after the service;
4. Hand sanitisers are available – please use them;
5. We will not be singing hymns;
6. Holy Communion will be administered by the President in one kind (communion wafer);
7. We are limited in terms of numbers due to safe distancing requirements;
8. You will be directed to your seats and to receive Holy Communion by sidespeople;
9. We are unable to provide the usual facilities for young children at this time.
I am aware that some of our sisters and brothers will be unable to attend so the online worship will continue for the time being and will be posted after the 9.30 am service.
I look forward to welcoming you back to worship.
Our website contains details of how to join others online for prayer, worship, study, and community life.
On Twitter - @StGeorgeBeck
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The Rector can be contacted in an emergency by telephoning 0208 650 0983 or emailing [email protected] or [email protected].
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength . . . Love your neighbour as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”
To protect the vulnerable amongst us, please follow the scientific advice being provided to the public and if you need help please contact us.
Please be assured of my love and prayers for yourself, our community and all affected by illness and anxiety.
Yours in Christ
Fr Jeremy
Rev Canon Jeremy Blunden
Rector of St George and St Barnabas
Link to Church of England Daily Prayer
(texts for Morning Prayer, Prayer During The Day and Evening Prayer)