Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 45 mins
Burton Bradstock: St Mary's
Church Street Burton Bradstock Bridport, DT6 4QY, United Kingdom

A quiet, early service of Holy Communion.

Family Breakfast Church

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Burton Bradstock: St Mary's
Church Street Burton Bradstock Bridport, DT6 4QY, United Kingdom

ime to relax as a family in a warm safe space. Optional craft activities. A Bible story, a song and a few prayers.
Multi-option breakfast bar running from 9.30 to 10.20. ( proper coffee for adults)

Weekday Communion and Light Lunch

Monthly. Every First Wednesday at for 1 hour
Burton Bradstock: St Mary
Burton Bradstock: St Mary, Church Street Burton Bradstock Bridport, DT6 4QY, United Kingdom

On the first Wednesday of each month, there is Holy Communion followed by a light lunch. All welcome.

For Jan 2025 only, this will be 8th January.

Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour
Burton Bradstock: St Mary's
Church Street Burton Bradstock Bridport, DT6 4QY, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion.

Coffee Mates

Monthly. Every Second Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Burton Bradstock: St Mary's
Church Street Burton Bradstock Bridport, DT6 4QY, United Kingdom

Burton Coffee Mates meet in the Church on the second Thursday of the month from 10.30 -12 pm Although everyone from the Village is welcome, this is particularly suitable for older people and facilities are provided for wheelchair users. Do come and join us and, if you would like more information, please call Pauline. (898327)

Cafe Church

In January, February, March, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Burton Bradstock: St Mary's
Church Street Burton Bradstock Bridport, DT6 4QY, United Kingdom

Our Cafe Church starts with coffee and croissants! It will be an opportunity to discuss faith and to talk about the news together. It's still a service or worship, we will sing hymns/songs, have a talk, and say
prayers, but more relaxed and informal. Even if you don't believe in God but want to
come along and see what's going on, that's fine, everyone is welcome!

Julian Group

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November. Every Third Wednesday at for 2 hours
Swyre: Holy Trinity
Swyre: Holy Trinity, Swyre Dorchester, DT2 9DN, United Kingdom

This small and friendly group meets regularly to practise Christian contemplative prayer and meditation together.
Come as a visitor or a regular attendee.
Coffee will be served at the end, around 11am.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

for 1 hour
Burton Bradstock: St Mary's
Church Street Burton Bradstock Bridport, DT6 4QY, United Kingdom

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting of the Parish of St Mary the Virgin Burton Bradstock with Chilcombe will be held in the Church on Sunday 13th April 2025 after the 11 am service. The meeting should start at approximately 12.15 am.

You might like to consider service to the church and parish as a member of the Parochial Church Council (PCC). There are several vacancies and we would be happy to discuss membership with you at any time before the APCM.

There is also a vacancy for a Churchwarden. For information about this interesting and important role, or to apply, ring Ian Ibbotson (01308 898484),

St Mary's Church Fete

for 2 hours
Burton Bradstock Rectory Gardens
Burton Bradstock Rectory Gardens, Church Steet, Burton Bradstock, DT6 4QS, United Kingdom

A traditional fete, held in the beautiful surroundings of the Rectory Garden in Burton Bradstock! Put the date in your diary now!


Sunday 02 February 2025 at for 1 hour
St Nicholas Church , Abbotsbury
St Nicholas Church , Abbotsbury, Church Street Abbotsbury Weymouth, DT3 4JJ, United Kingdom

A service celebrating the presentation of Christ at the temple