About Us

Bradpole is an old village now linked to Bridport by housing and an industrial estate on its southern side. It once had a railway station which fell to the Beeching axe, now only an old level-crossing still exists. It is home to a variety of people having a generally younger population than the rest of Bridport. The River Asker with its fish and variety of bird life, including Kingfishers, meanders along one edge and the footpath provides a pleasant walk into town.

Holy Trinity Church, Bradpole was built in the Victorian era and has an interesting spire covered with timber shingles and some beautiful stained glass windows. The tower houses eight bells which are rung weekly and which also provide a training facility for neighbouring ringing teams. The church stands on a rise in the centre of the village, and a glimpse of the sea at West Bay, about two miles to the south, can be gained from the churchyard which is still in use as a burial ground. It has a pipe organ enthusiastically played by our excellent organists. There is also a music group and formal and informal choirs. The church is registered as an Eco-Church with A Rocha.

There is a range of Sunday and mid-week services suitable for everyone, for example – an informal worship service using PowerPoint in which the music group takes part, and more traditional Holy Communion. ‘Tuesdays Together’ is a communion service in the afternoon on the first Tuesday in the month, which is followed by tea, coffee and fellowship. There is a mid-week fellowship group meeting in  a home, and an active Mothers’ Union which meets monthly. There is a strong and enthusiastic bell ringing team, and a twice monthly luncheon club for older members of the community, this is held in a local pub. The church has Lay Pastoral Assistants who are able to take communion to those who worship at home.  They provide a listening ear for the recently bereaved.  ‘Tots@Ten’ for children under five, and their parents and carers, meets in the church on Wednesdays for coffee and fun.