About Us

The first church on this site was built in 963, making it one of the oldest churches in England.  The history of the present building begins in the 13th century with the erection of the nave and chancel. Notice the angle of the nave. Together they represent the figure of Christ on the Cross.  
The tower dates from the 15th century. There were two bells. One remains; the other was recast in 1606. Two more were added in 1616. Today there are a total of four bells in the church tower, although they are not currently in use for bellringing.
The church was restored in the 1950s. The organ was added in 1977 in celebration of the Queen's Jubilee. 
There is a sheet providing more details about our history and details of the graveyard inside the church. 

We are a friendly, active, welcoming church, rooted in and serving our wider community.  Please come and visit us any time to enjoy this peaceful and tranquil place, nestled by the chalk stream and weir near the local trout farm. 
Please help yourself to hot and cold drinks any time you are passing or visiting.  We keep the church open 24/7 for walkers, runners, cyclists, visits to the graveyard, sightseeing, or even study of architecture - we have some very rare features on the church tower where the stonework protects the belfry beams which protrude outside the tower walls. 

St James' Church, North Newton, Pewsey, Wilts SN9 6LA
  Find us - w3w.co/movie.curtail.brambles
  Donate - https://pay.sumup.com/b2c/Q4B5WUOG   
  More - valeofpewsey.org/north-newnton 
  Team Magazine www.valeofpewsey.org/messenger  
  Team Safeguarding www.valeofpewsey.org/safeguarding