Related Churches
Ramsbury: Holy Cross
Thank you for looking us up! Holy Cross, Ramsbury is one of six churches in the parish of Whitton. Building on a thousand years of history, we treasure the faith which has encouraged generations across the centuries, and we strive to be the Church of today. In many ways we are a traditional village church, with worship of a predominantly traditional (but not 'high') nature.
We are extremely grateful to "The Friends of Holy Cross" who support us with grants towards major works in our Church and Churchyards.
We serve our community in a number of ways and support our village primary school.
We are looking to build up a network of young families, especially to nurture those who have been baptised at Holy Cross in recent times.
Home groups and prayer groups take place in Ramsbury, often shared with those from our churches in neighbouring villages.
We would love the opportunity to welcome you in person (or on Zoom!)
Aldbourne: St Michael
St. Michael and All Angels, Aldbourne is an active church in a busy community. We have strong links with our C of E primary school next door, where we offer Collective Worship, 'Share the Story', lunchtime clubs and have some of our church members as foundation governors.
We share with our friends in Aldbourne Methodist Church in reaching out in service to the community. We support the Swindon Food Collective with regular donations of food.
Several of our members are taking the lead in encouraging us to be more environmentally aware and active.
We are grateful to the 'Friends of St. Michael's Church Aldbourne' for raising money to help with us with maintaining our historic building.
Axford: St Michael
St. Michael's Axford has traditionally been part of a joint parish with Holy Cross, Ramsbury. Today both are part of the extended parish of Whitton, but Axford and Ramsbury remain very much connected and are served by the same Local Church Committee (a sub-committee of the Parochial Church Council). St. Michael's is a Chapel of Ease rather than a Parish Church, and generally is only open for worship at the major festivals. It is also used for occasional concerts and can be requested for baptisms and funerals. We would love to see more engagement with the village. If you are new to Axford please get in touch so that we can get to know you.
Chilton Foliat: St Mary
St. Mary's, Chilton Foliat is part of the parish of Whitton. Of the six churches across the parish we are the most traditional in our approach to worship with most of our services being rooted in traditional language. A modern language service suitable for all ages is held on the second Sunday of each month at 11am.
We have a strong relationship with our C of E Primary School in Stag Hill. Several of our church members are foundation governors at the school. We enjoying offering Collective Worship, 'Share the Story' and 'Play and Pray Club' in school, as well as welcoming the school community to St. Mary's for end of term services.
Please do get in touch if you would like to know more or would like to get involved.
Baydon: St Nicholas
St. Nicholas' Church is nestled behind the village school in the centre of Baydon. We have strong links with this C of E school through our foundation governors, weekly Collective Worship and 'Share the Story' in school, and end of term services in church. Although we are a small community, we like to think we are friendly and welcoming. Please get in touch or come to say hello!
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