The Well on Wednesdays

Monthly. Every Last Wednesday at for 30 mins
Poulshot: St Peter
Poulshot, SN10 1SB, United Kingdom

A Celtic meditative service on the last Wednesday of each month at 5pm.
In this time of global upheaval, come, rest, reconnect and be refreshed at the calm and beautiful 13th Century church of St Peter’s, Poulshot. The service will last around 30 minutes and include periods of silence, engaging with scripture and listening to music.
The Well on Wednesday is there to help us all be refreshed and renewed through the gift of the Holy Spirit. Psalm 46 v10 says ’Be still and know that I am God” This time is set apart to allow those rivers of living water to well up inside us, to not only cleanse us, but to flow to others, in power and love, that others too may drink of God’s life-giving stream.

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Celtic Service

Monthly. Every Last Wednesday at for 1 hour
Poulshot: St Peter
Poulshot, SN10 1SB, United Kingdom

If you would like a little bit of peaceful reflection during the pell-mell of your busy week, then you are very welcome to join us at our Celtic Service on the last Wednesday of the month, starting at 5:00pm and lasting about 3/4 hour.
Reflect, remember, hope for whatever is on your heart, bring yourself to God in the beauty of St Peters historic and beautiful church in the village of Poulshot.
A candle, some music and scripture, often season based, you will be made most welcome. This is usually a Lay led service.

Winter months start time is 3:00pm. Spring until Autumn start time is 5:00pm