The night was very well attended by ex pupils teachers and new residents of Saint Peters Close. The night was the brain child of our own local author and historian John Gervin. We looked all the way back to the start of the school in 1870 with photos of the very first day. It was almost like a back to the future film with past students shouting out the names of some of the children friends and scallywags that came up on the many slides. The night finished off with photos of the new development and former pupils and residents met for refreshments after the presentation.
A truly wondrous and spiritual night.The evening of lessons and carols started at around 4:30pm when the first of the volunteers arrived at Saint Peter's to layout the disposable cups for mulled wine and plates of mince pies. Candles were placed throughout the church, the living light of the Lord to be most prevalent during the serviceChoir and music director were next to arrive for last minute choir rehearsals with the warming of their angelic voices at 5pm.The short break before the start of the service at 6pm, saw the church swell with people and the joyful anticipation of song and worship that was to become of the night.With one of the largest attendances the church has seen in many years it was clear that with lock down, covid 19 and the new strain omicron, both the parish and town of Devizes were in need of this much loved seasonal service.
Omicron sounds more like a transformer than a covid variant. But it needs to be taken seriously there is an old saying "lock your doors and trust in God". As per the recent government guidelines we will be asking congregation members to wear a face mask during the speaking parts of the service but if you wish you may remove it to sing hymns and carols. If you have any worries please speak to a member of the PCC, sides people or the head server. Many blessings
What a cold and very apt day to go hunting for the Christmas tree. Richard and Jeremy ventured off to the deepest darkest depths of Burbage to a wonderful little Christmas tree farm called Canalside Christmas trees. The team were very helpful and friendly.With a small cup of Mulled wine to fortify against the wind and snow, the hunt was on, in not too much time at all the tree was found! A very nice 16ft tall 12 year old Norwegian spruce. After tying it on to Jeremy's Landrover , the intrepid pair made there way back through what can only be described as the first blizzard of winter to the safety and sanctity of St Peter's. Saturday afternoon saw the willing volunteers decorate the great tree and what a sight it was sat in Gods glory in magnificence at the back of St Peter's Church. What a big ,big thank you to Jeremy and Maggie for donating the tree and the support of the decorators for there help and artistic flairs in bauble positioning.