Living Hope - A Lent Journey
Booklets available in Church.
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Palm Sunday
10am Parish Eucharist (beginning at the Town Hall and also at St Bartholomew’s)
Monday 14th April (Monday in Holy Week)
7.30pm Compline - on Zoom
Tuesday 15th April (Tuesday in Holy Week)
7.30pm Compline - on Zoom
Wednesday 16th April (Wednesday in Holy Week)
10.30am Holy Communion
7.30pm Tenebrae Service
Thursday 17th April (Maundy Thursday)
7.30pm Liturgy of Maundy Thursday (with washing of feet, stripping of the altars and Vigil)
Friday 18th April (Good Friday)
10am Walk of Witness (starting at Sacred Heart Church)
2pm Liturgy of Good Friday
Saturday 19th April (Easter Eve)
8pm Liturgy of Light and the Vigil of Easter
Sunday 20th April (Easter Day)
8am Holy Communion
10am Parish Eucharist