1st Sunday8:00 am Holy Communion (BCP) – followed by refreshments in the Croft10:00 am All Age Eucharist – followed by refreshments in the Croft6:00 pm Evensong2nd Sunday8:00 am Holy Communion9:00 am Worship @ 9 in the Church Hall10:00 am Parish Eucharist Church Children Gather in the Croft3rd Sunday 8:00 am Holy Communion 10:00 am Parish Eucharist – followed by refreshments in the Croft 4th Sunday 8:00 am Holy Communion10:00 am Parish Eucharist Church Children Gather in the Croft 3:00 pm Lego Church in the Croft5th Sunday 8:00 am Holy Communion10:00 am Parish EucharistWednesdays10:30am Holy Communion Daily (except Sunday & Wednesday)09:15 am Morning Prayer via Zoom Little Stars Baby & Toddler Group every Monday 9:30 -11:30 in the Church Hall Ladies Guild meet on the 3rd Wednesday at 2:00 pm in The Croft Mothers Union meet on the 3rd Tuesday at 1:30pm in The Croft Croft Quilters meet on the 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 2:00 pm in The Croft