St Bart's needs YOU

We have vacancies on...

Our Parochial Church Council (PCC) …

These are the people who work with the vicar and churchwardens in the management of church affairs . They help too to promote the mission of the church.

It is the decision-making body for the parish - and is also responsible for the finances, the churchyard and church buildings .

As Charity Trustees PCC members also ensure that the right policies and procedures are in place to ensure good governance and compliance.

And our PCC meets 6 / 7 times a year.

Our Deanery Synod…

This brings together clergy and lay people from across Calne Deanery (the group of parishes in this part of the diocese) to see how we can help one another in our ministry and mission .

Members are involved in diocesan and wider church consultations about important matters - thereby having a say in what we do as a church.

Deanery Synod reps are also the people who elect Diocesan and General Synod reps - a key part of the church of England’s governance.

And our Deanery Synod meets 3 times a year.

Please think about whether this might be you and talk to the vicar or churchwardens to find out more!