Sunday at 10

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mark's, Salisbury
St Mark's Church St Mark's Avenue Salisbury, SP1 3DL, United Kingdom

Join us onsite or online.

CrossBarr Cafe

Every Monday at for 3 hours
Barrington Centre
64 Barrington Road, SP1 3JD, United Kingdom

Soup, cake and drinks on a Monday over lunch at the Barrington Centre in Bishopdown, the café is open on a Monday between 11.00-2.00. Volunteers are always welcome or come and have a cuppa!

Not Bank Holidays

Magpies Toddler Group

Every Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Mark's, Salisbury
St Mark's Church St Mark's Avenue Salisbury, SP1 3DL, United Kingdom

St Mark's Magpies - a baby and toddler club 10-11.30 every Friday morning in term time at St Mark's church. Please see the facebook page "St Mark's Magpies".

only in term time

Church on the Green

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Hampton Park Pavilion
Hampton Park Pavilion, Ash Crescent, Salisbury,, SP1 3GY

A fresh and family-friendly monthly Sunday afternoon service followed by tea together.
Every Third Sunday at 4pm.
Hampton Park Pavilion, Bishopdown Farm.

We sit around tables cafe-style, for a service which will include a dramatised Bible story, a short talk, some worship songs and a craft activity before we join in a simple shared meal together.

Supported by local Christians, Cafe on the Green, and the Parish of St Mark & St Andrew.

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