Six weeks in Ephesians during Lent, with daily reflection and Wednesday evenings together, supported by a preaching series available at St Mark's recorded each Sunday.
The church of Ephesus is one of the most significant churches for the gospel and for the beginning of the church. Today, we are the church, built on one foundation which is Christ himself the cornerstone, and Ephesians is given to us as an incredible tool for the building up of God’s church today.
Join us at home and together in reading and thinking on the incredible themes of this letter to the church.
Sunday 9th One Plan Ephesians 1 (Talk Link)
Wednesday 12th I am invited
Sunday 16th One Faith Ephesians 2 (Talk Link)
Wednesday 19th I am a masterpiece
Sunday 23rd One People Ephesians 3 (Talk Link)
Wednesday 26th I am strong
Sunday 30th One Body Ephesians 4 (Talk Link)
Wednesday 2nd April I am called
Sunday 6th April One Lifestyle Ephesians 5 (Talk Link)
Wednesday 9th I am light
Sunday 13th April One Battle Ephesians 6 (Talk Link)
Wednesday 16th I am fighting
Daily Reflections (click here or see the download section below)
Ephesians chapter 1