What's On at St. Mark's....

What’s on at St Mark’s Church... 
Please contact the office for more information or to be put in touch with the right person.  Alternatively, see our Monthly information sheet in News & Events.

Alpha / Youth Alpha / Christianity Explored

Opportunities to explore the Christian faith often in a group setting. 


A toddler group based on natural, outdoor play on Friday mornings in the garden of St Mark’s Church. 

Pastoral Care

Overseen by our Lay Pastoral Assistants offering home visits, communion at home, hospital visits and prayer support.  


At the heart of St Mark’s Church there are many opportunities for prayer including before the service in the prayer chapel at 9.40, after the service, 6.00 pm online Sunday evenings and on the first Wednesday of the month for Parish Share.   Specific requests may be emailed to our prayer chain. 

Practical Care

A small group of individuals in the church providing practical care in the form of meals etc to others in need. 

*Saturday Chat 

St Mark’s Church is open every Saturday between 11.00 and 1.00 for tours of the church, refreshments, chat and prayer. Once a month the Vicar has a “surgery” for anyone who would like to meet with him.

* On pause over the summer.

Women’s Group

A group of women from the church who meet together from time to time.  There is an active WhatsApp group supporting each other and occasional trips are organised to the cinema or theatre etc.   The group is open to ideas and fun.   

Eco Group

A group of eco focused people from St Mark’s Church who meet from time to time. 

Men’s Group

A group of men from the church who organise time together, often at a restaurant or pub!

House Groups

Weekly or fortnightly opportunities to meet together in small groups in someone’s home to get to know each other, study and explore the Bible and develop your faith. 


St Mark’s Leadership Team meet a few times a year to pray, discuss and make plans around the needs of the church.

Refreshments and Welcome

A group of people who serve the church by welcoming others and providing refreshments on a Sunday morning. Volunteers always welcome. Please contact the office if you feel able to help.

CrossBarr Café

Provides light refreshments and opportunities to talk to members of the local community. Based in the Barrington Centre in Bishopdown, the café is open on a Monday between 11.00-2.00. Volunteers are always welcome, or come and have a cuppa! 

Whats_on_at_St_Marks_Church, PDF
