Morning prayer

Every Tuesday and Wednesday at for 30 mins
Tuesdays in All Saints Churchyard, Wednesdays in St George's Church
Tuesdays in All Saints Churchyard, Wednesdays in St George's Church, All Saints Harnham Rd Harnham Salisbury St George's Lower Street Harnham Salisbury

We gather on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings at 9 am for 1/2 hour of morning prayer using common worship psalms and readings and an intercessory time of prayer. On Tuesdays we meet in the churchyard, weather permitting.

Sunday early morning said Communion/BCP service

Sunday 12 January 2025, Sunday 26 January 2025, Sunday 09 February 2025, Sunday 23 February 2025, Sunday 09 March 2025, Sunday 23 March 2025 at for 30 mins
All Saints' Church
All Saints' Church, Harnham Road Harnham Salisbury (Parking in Watersmeet Road), SP2 8EP

Said Communion service (no hymns) alternating with BCP service, every other Sunday at 8am at All Saints unless advertised. All welcome

Sunday worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St. George's Church
St. George's Church, Lower Street West Harnham (Parking at the parish hall), SP2 8EY, United Kingdom

Sung Communion service at 9.30am in St. George's every Sunday, followed by coffee

Messy Church

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November, December. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Harnham Parish Hall
Harnham Parish Hall, Lower Street West Harnham (Adjacent to St. George's Church), SP2 8EY, United Kingdom

Informal worship that takes place in the Parish Hall on Lower Street. We use the attached field when it is warm enough for outdoor activities.
Crafts, games, activities, stories, songs and celebration followed by an informal light tea of sandwiches, sausages, fruit & veg, cakes, biscuits etc. & tea & coffee for adults. (Dietary requirements are catered for, do let us know in advance of you have a particular need.)
A time for all ages of people, families and friends. All welcome, an adult needs to stay with children & are invited to join in. If you're an adult without children, you're also very welcome to come along.
For more info, contact the parish office on 07925 108856 or [email protected]

Toddler Group

Every Monday at for 2 hours
Harnham Parish Hall
Harnham Parish Hall, Lower Street West Harnham (Adjacent to St. George's Church), SP2 8EY, United Kingdom

A time to be together with other families and child minders to for support, play, craft and healthy snacks.
Toddler group meets in the Parish Hall, Lower Street on a Monday morning from 9.30am to approx 11.30am.
New comers always welcome, ask for Paula for a warm welcome.
We are-
A meeting place for parents and carers. A safe environment for children to play. Volunteer helpers here to help and support.
We share-
Toys and play materials; Tea/squash and biscuits; Songs, rhymes and choruses.
No weekly charge but donations welcome.
Parents and carers are responsible for their children in the session.
Your ideas and comments are always welcome. Each term the toddlers have one short service linked to a relevant theme.

Informal Sunday worship

Every Second, Third, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
All Saints' Church
All Saints' Church, Harnham Road Harnham (Parking in Watersmeet Road), SP2 8EP, United Kingdom

2nd, 3rd, 4th Sundays
All Saints Church 11am
Service of the Word, includes discussion, bible readings and reflections, hymns and worship songs for all ages