I am pleased to announce that following the interviews recently, we have appointed Sally L’Anson to be the new PA who will be working closely with me as administrative support. Sally comes with a wealth of experience, mostly in the public sector. She is currently clerk to two governing bodies of Church of England schools. Sally will be joining us on 10 March and will be working mainly from home for five hours a week. You may not see her very much, but please pray for a good start to this new role and that she will settle in well. Thank you.Rebecca
Out of the 80 million Easter eggs sold in the UK, The Real Easter Egg is the only one which has a copy of the Easter story in the box, is made of Fairtrade chocolate and which supports charitable projects.The stories range from simple guides to 24 page activity book versions. So, buy a 2025 edition Real Easter Egg this spring and encourage others to give one to their loved ones, a school or sponsor a food bank donation. They make a lovely gift for Easter and are a great way of sharing the true meaning of Easter with the children in your family, or you can donate them to the Food Bank. The 2025 Real Easter Egg will not be available in any supermarkets. I am taking orders again this year, so please contact me directly or place your order in church when you see me. The original milk chocolate Fairtrade egg is £5.50. A dark chocolate egg is £6.50 and there are also Easter Blessing bars at £3 each. There is also the Real Easter Egg Fun pack at £6 which contains six small milk chocolate eggs.Please place your order with me by Sunday 9 March so that we can get free delivery.Thanks v much.Rebecca
There will be a chance to receive face to face Safeguarding training at Christ Church, Warminster on Saturday 8th March, 9.30-12.30. This training will cover Basic and Foundation Levels.Anyone wishing to attend this training must please RSVP to Linda Smith on either 01985 212138 or admin@christchurchwarminster.co.uk by Monday 3rd March.If you are not sure what training you require please speak to your Parish Safeguarding OfficerWestbury - Jenny Wray-Bliss - WestburyPSO@whtministry.org.ukDilton Marsh - Yvette Cooper - DiltonPSO@whtministry.org.uk
We have now heard from Archdeacon Alan about the time-table for the appointment of the new Team Vicar. As we explained at the Team Focus day in January, the role will be made up of two parts: one will be the traditional Team Vicar role based in Dilton Marsh and with a licence to cover the whole of the White Horse Team. The other half will be a Pioneer role, reaching out to people and communities across our two parishes of Westbury and Dilton Marsh. We shall therefore be looking for someone who has had training in both traditional ministry and pioneer ministry. The Diocese is applying for funding from the Church Commissioners for the pioneer part of the role, as this is being made available for parishes where they are not able to support a full-time priest financially.The profile for the role should be ready in July. The post is planned to be advertised in the church press at the end of August and beginning of September.The shortlisting date is in October. The interview days are planned for 17 and 18 November. These dates have been agreed by the Bishop.If the person is in another role, they will have to give three months’ notice to their Bishop or employer before they will be able to take up the role.Please pray for the profile team as we meet to prepare the profile in the coming weeks.We have also been offered the opportunity to apply for additional funding for another part-time lay missional/pioneer role in the White Horse Team. We are being asked to discern what kind of role this may be: whether in reaching out to children, families, our schools, young people, the elderly, local community or something else. We are inviting people to think and pray about this and let us know if you have any suggestions about what kind of role this could be, and how we may support it. Please be in touch with myself or a member of the Ministry Team, your churchwarden or PCC member.We look forward to hearing from you.Thank you .Rebecca