On Saturday 15 March twelve people met to find out how they can support the future of Westbury Parish Hall. The congregation of All Saints' Church are asking for the people of Westbury to get behind their vision to create a community hub. Around 5 of these were non-church members including Andrew Murrison MP who expressed his hope that the Hall remains open for community use.The congregation of All Saints' are faced with the double responsibility of the Grade I Listed church which requires tens of thousands of work on the roof, stonework and windows and the expense of upgrading the tired Parish Hall. They are unable to support both projects alone and are asking for a community based charity to take on the management and development of the Hall. Individuals are asked to show their support and become members of the new Charitable Incorporated Organisation that they hope to set up. Trustees and volunteers would be drawn from these members. The new charity will need project managers, fundraisers, and people who can help to manage the hall on a day to day basis.The congregation have reached crunch point. The deteriorating condition of the Hall means that it is getting harder to get bookings and it's no longer covering its running costs. As the church only just breaks even each year this is not sustainable. If nothing changes there is a real possibility of having to close and sell the Hall. Everyone who attended the meeting agreed that it would be a tragedy as the Rainbows, Brownies, Guides, St John Ambulance Cadets, Youth Club and the other community users will have to find an alternate venue. It has so much potential if we could just get Westbury behind the project.If you would like to support the Hall project please complete the membership application form below and send to Beth on beth@whtministry.org.uk or 07790 870 247 by the 31 March. Please contact Beth if you need further information. The steering group will then meet to see if there is enough support to make the new charity viable and if so call a meeting of potential members after Easter and agree next steps together.
NEW ELECTORAL ROLL 2025 – WESTBURY PARISHUnder the provisions of rule 2(4) of the Church Representative Rule NOTICE is hereby given of the preparation of a new Electoral Roll. All persons who wish to have their names entered on the new roll, whether their names are entered on the present roll or not, are required to apply for enrolment not later than the 19th April 2025. In order to be entitled to attend and vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (18th May 2025) the form of application for enrolment must be completed, signed and returned to Debbie McEntee by 19th April 2025. Forms are available in All Saints/Holy Saviour and from Debbie McEntee.Information from the Diocese of Salisbury on what the joining the electoral roll means:-What is the electoral roll? The electoral roll is a register of people who are able to elect other people in the church, a bit like being on the civic electoral roll allows you to vote in local and Parliamentary elections. Being on the church electoral roll means that you can vote on any relevant issues at the annual parochial church meeting and stand for election to the PCC (the church council). The Church is not a membership club! Although the electoral roll is the closest thing the Church of England has to ‘membership’, joining the electoral roll doesn’t commit you to anything. It does give you a voice in the future of the church in your community though. You don’t need to attend services or meetings, but if you care about your community and what the church offers it, it ensures your voice is heard. For example, you might be a member of a Friends group that supports and cares for the Church building, or part of a group looking after the churchyard, or maybe one of your family attends the church school. Signing up to the church’s electoral roll is simply a sign you care about the Church’s future in your community.Am I eligible to join? Yes, you are eligible if you are:- resident in the parish;- baptised;- over 16 years old,- and consider yourself part of the Church of England or a church in communion with it. - If you are not resident in the parish, you can still be on the electoral roll if you’ve attended worship (at least monthly) for over six months and also meet the other conditions.Count me in! How do I sign up? By completing the form – see link belowPlease send to our Electoral Roll Officer Debbie McEntee - WestburyPCCSecretary@Whtministry.org.ukWatch the video to find out more - https://youtu.be/FQrPvj3JWcc
At an event on the 15 February, members of the White Horse Team Ministry churches, along with others from churches in the community and surrounding areas, gathered to explore the topic of disability justice and church inclusion.We explored key themes in disability theology, looked at research data outcomes, shared practical suggestions for increasing accessibility and inclusion, received a fantastic time of sharing from Revd Neil Robinson (Chaplain to the Deaf and hard of hearing community in Salisbury Diocese) and joined in a time of inclusive worship.It was a wonderful day of sharing and learning together.Thank you so much to all of those who came along on a cold day to explore this important topic together. And a big thank you to those who helped with setting up, with the tech on the day, with welcoming, serving refreshments and with the running of the day. The support and hard work of the team involved is very much appreciated.If anyone would like to access the resources pack from the day this can be found at the link below:https://media.acny.uk/media/events/attachment/2025/01/5768d2a8-b63a-44ae-95c5-dfa1dfd84446.pdfIf you would like to view a recording of the whole day, or any part of the day, this can be found at this below link:https://www.youtube.com/live/uSDDiwlX8Do?si=X1LNqNZGVoMuMkAsFor a copy of the slides from the day please get in touch with me by email at:teamcurate@whtministry.org.ukWe are now in the process of getting together a Disability and Church Inclusion Committee group who can meet to discuss key issues, create reports and updates for the PCC, and ensure that key next steps are being actioned. If you would be interested in joining this group I would love to chat to you about this. Please do get in touch with me by phone or email if you would like to discuss getting involved.With many thanks,Rev Holly Newton
I am pleased to announce that following the interviews recently, we have appointed Sally L’Anson to be the new PA who will be working closely with me as administrative support. Sally comes with a wealth of experience, mostly in the public sector. She is currently clerk to two governing bodies of Church of England schools. Sally will be joining us on 10 March and will be working mainly from home for five hours a week. You may not see her very much, but please pray for a good start to this new role and that she will settle in well. Thank you.Rebecca