About Us

St. Mary's Frampton is quite large for a country church and has an unusual internal layout. There is evidence through the centuries of building and rebuilding. The south arcade to the nave and the chancel arch are 15th Century. Points of note are the unusual tower with Tuscan columns, built in 1695 by Robert Browne, who also added the North Aisle and the Vestry between 1725 and 1734. The present structure that we see is mostly of 19th Century restoration by Marcia Maria and Richard Brinsley Sheridan.

Our clergy team currently support six churches within the benefice and therefore our monthly Praise and Worship (family friendly) service is based at Bradford Peverell.  This provides a good opportunity for people from all four villages to get together regularly on the third Sunday of each month.

BUILDING WORK ON MAJOR REPAIRS has now been completed, with stainless steel replacing the stolen lead.  The water goods have been decorated and repaired and the bell tower louvres replaced.  We are now decorating the external doors as and when we have funds.   Two have been completed.  The front door needs major refurbishment and remains on our list of "things to do".   We are currently fund raising for repairs to the Caroline Norton memorial window to Fletcher Norton - great grandson of Richard Brinsley Sheridan (playwright).


St. Mary’s Church, Framton, takes its responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously, and works in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times.

If you have any Safeguarding questions or concerns you can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Revd. Pene Kennedy on 07952913374 email [email protected]

Alternatively you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser, on 07500 664800 

For more information about Safeguarding, please scroll down to bottom of page and click on 'Safeguarding'.