Dilton Marsh Mothers' Union Branch Update

"You will have joy and gladness, and many will rejoice at his birth." 

Luke 1:14.

The Mothers' Union wishes every family a peaceful and blessed Christmas.

Rosie represented our branch of MU at the Autumn Gathering in Broad Chalke and brought back our copies of the "Window "magazine which is a newsletter for MU in the diocese of Salisbury, reporting on the varied activities of the different branches. Virtual Babies were included in this edition (this has been a major area of support for our own branch)

On Wednesday November 6th we joined All Saints Mothers' Union for their Patronal Festival. Revd. Margaret Davies was our speaker and led us in a thoughtful time of thinking about; "WOMAN." Throughout the bible there are many references to WOMAN but who was she? Very few examples of any with a name to identify her. Revd. Margaret related several examples to see if we could recognize them ( which, of course we could). Throughout history women have been considered of less importance than men and are still treated very badly in many places today. Our founder Mary Sumner was, of course a woman and through her, and all the work which Mothers' Union continues to do throughout the world, great efforts are being made to recognize the value and contribution women make to their communities. The Literacy programme has been significant in this and made everyone realize what a valuable asset women (with names) can make to society.

We thanked them for our usual welcome with tea and cake afterwards which was shared with other visitors. During December, we have our Christmas lunch at Beckington on December 5th and Mere Carol Service on Tuesday December 10th at 12 noon.

We look forward to another busy programme in 2025.

Enid Holbrow.