Disability Survey

Disability Survey 2024.pdf Download

As a resident within the White Horse Team Ministry parishes, we would be most grateful if you would consider completing a disability survey which is being circulated as part of a research project being undertaken by Team Curate Revd Holly Newton. The data from this survey will contribute towards this research which explores disability and church inclusion and will go towards informing the materials that come out of this project. The survey is entirely voluntary and can be completed anonymously. It is open to anyone resident within our parishes, regardless of church attendance. It would also be helpful to receive replies from those with disabilities and those without disabilities.

To access the survey please use this link: https://us4.list-manage.com/survey?u=7b32f32456f86d8f379f7e32d&id=6eb57932ad&e=*|UNIQID|*

If you require a hard copy of the survey these can be found in any of our churches. Alternatively, you can contact our parish administrator on 01373 859450 or at [email protected] if you require a copy to be sent out to you by email or in the post. The surveys have been created in a fairly large print, but our parish administrator will be able to help you if you require a larger print version.

If you require assistance in completing the survey, contact details for Revd Holly Newton are given on the survey and you can get in touch for assistance.

Many thanks for your participation which will be most valuable and much appreciated.