News from Revd Caroline


Dear Friends,

I am writing to tell you some news, some will think great news, others may be more disappointed…for me it is with mixed emotions that I tell you that Cliff and I will soon be leaving. I have been offered a new post working in the diocese of Truro with the Probus Mission Area (PMA). The PMA is a group of churches that have agreed to work together and support each other, my role will be to develop and nurture greater collegiality and collaboration between lay and ordained ministers as well as congregations. Of course, being a mission area there will be a strong focus on outreach into the local communities as well as finding ways to enable people to access church.

I have, very much, loved being part of the community here in Dilton, being the vicar in the church, team vicar across Westbury and being Rural Dean across Heytesbury supporting vacant parishes as well as clergy from time to time. I feel as though I have become part of the family and so it is with a thankful (also sad) heart that I shall be leaving.

This experience reminds me of the calling that was placed on Abram (later Abraham) from the Old Testament. God asked Abram to leave behind his family and friends and to move on to a place that called him to Trust God for his future. I feel that I am being asked to be obedient and to trust God for my future, for the work that I will do. The invitation from Bishop Hugh to come to Cornwall, to become a vicar there has confirmed this sense of call that I feel I have had. It means a big change for us, including Flossie! We will still have a big garden but half the size we have here! My last service will be Harvest on Oct 6th. My licensing in PMA will be on 5th Nov -church to be confirmed.

My departure will trigger the PCC to meet with the Archdeacon so that together and with Revd Rebecca that a profile will drawn up as the congregation begins to think about the type of priest they would like to invite to join here next. From one priest leaving to a new one joining usually takes about a year. Please do pray for the church as we prepare for this transition period.

Yours in Christ,
