Dilton Marsh Mother's Union Branch News

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" Romans 15. v.13.

The Letter "H" was the theme of our Mothers' Union Quiet day led by the Revd. Margaret Davies, with our friends from Westbury Mothers Union and held at All Saints Church on Wednesday June 12th. Our day began with the celebration of Holy Communion and continued after a coffee break by thinking of as many words beginning with the letter "H" and classifying the as either positive or negative words, or in some cases , both. With hymn, bible and poetry quotations, we heard from Revd. Margaret thoughts about these words, and found that the word "Hope" was a recurring theme. In our afternoon session Revd. Margaret led us in a "Stilling" or "MIndfulness" as it is sometimes named. This is a wonderful opportunity to be really still and quiet ( not so easily found in today's noisy world) while the quiet voice of Revd. Margaret gave us ideas on which to ponder. We were also able to share with Jocelyn her birthday from the previous day and enjoy a cake kindly made by Peter Jane complete with a candle! We thanked Jean Jane and her MU branch, for their kind hospitality and the Revd. Margaret for once again leading us in a thoughtful and enjoyable day.

Some of our members will be attending the Conference in Oxford on June 22nd and this will be reported on next month.

Our meeting on July 4th is our Annual Garden Party, which this year will be held in the grounds of Holy Trinty Church beginning at 3pm. We hope to see you there. 

 Enid Holbrow.