Dilton Marsh Mothers' Union Branch News

"Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in Springtime" Martin Luther.

Our Spring Gathering for the diocese of Salisbury Mothers' Union members was held at West Lavington Village Hall on Wednesday 24th April.

Our theme for 2024, being "Transformation Now", much of the meeting focused on ways in which we are working and ways in which we can work in the future, to keep the spirit of Mothers' Union, begun by our founder Mary Sumner, in 1876, going into another year. Much good work is being done in branches, but we are aware that numbers of members are falling as we get older, and some branches have become Prayer Groups in order to keep in touch with what is being done around the world. Reports on the work with Virtual babies, Rockley Park Holiday Home, as well as requests for replacements for Treasurer, Virtual Baby coordinator, and an organizer for the Bookings for Rockley Park were given. (There is information about this holiday home in Holy Trinity Church as the holiday home is available to book outside of the school holidays). Guest speaker Rosie Stiven, our former Diocesan President, was, as usual, a very interesting addition to the meeting. The Revd. Jayne Tyrer led the prayers during the day and certificates for very long membership of Mothers' Union were presented to Rosemary Allen, well known to us all in the MU office and to Sheila Soper who has worked so hard for the Rockley Park Holiday home and is in need of our prayers, for her health. We ended our meeting with renewed encouragement for dedicated service to continue by singing the hymn; "Take my life and let it be , concentrated Lord to Thee." Our Autumn Gathering is on 19th October (venue to be arranged).

Annual Outing: The Thunder Roared ! The Lightening Flashed! at 4 o'clock in the morning, but fortunately by the time we were ready to get on the coach and join those who had been picked up in Westbury everything had calmed down and although still grey and damp, it was not cold. We set off with Richard, our organist, and bus driver to travel to Sherborne. On arrival small groups dispersed in various directions to follow their own interests for the day . There was plenty to choose from, so, hopefully, everyone was satisfied. The attractions included the Abbey, founded by monks 800 years ago. Beautiful fan vaulting draws eyes upward, stained glass fills the windows, exquisitely embroidered hassocks fill every pew, Altar frontals beautifully embroidered, show hours of skilled craftsmanship. It is truly a peaceful and wonderful place of worship. The museum had lots of interesting items to admire including a beautifully illustrated missal which must have taken such skilled and patient hours of dedication to complete. There was an Antiques Centre, Art Galleries as well as a selection of charity shops which caught the attention of some of our group! A garden centre a choice of coffee shops and eating places satisfied the body as well as the soul! Richard brought us safely home, tired but contented after a day in each other's company.

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary. they will walk and not be faint" Isaiah 40 v31.

Our June meeting on Wednesday 12th will be a Quiet day led by the Revd. Margaret Davies at All Saints' church from 11am until 3pm. 

Enid Holbrow