Please Pray for Jason & His Family

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Jason Knight is a member of our local community and many of you will remember the baptism of his twin daughters Ella and Layla at Holy Trinity last year. The twins are regular participants in our Tot's Praise services, along with Jason's wife Sara and Mother-in-Law Karen. 

Jason was electrocuted in a tragic accident in Westbury on 6 April causing him critical injuries and necessitating the use of the Wiltshire Air Ambulance to evacuate him to Southmead Hospital, Bristol. Jason's injuries were so severe that his left forearm had to be amputated immediately and surgeons have performed over 20 operations to date to try to save his life and his legs. He will be undertaking further lengthy and complex surgery early June. It will take a lot of medical professionals, some whom are experts in the field of lower limbs, to begin the complex task of trying to reconstruct Jason's legs after having so much of them amputated. Without these surgeries, Jason will be unable to walk. The hope is that if these surgeries go well, he may be able to bear weight and walk in some fashion to have some degree of independence without being completely wheelchair bound. 

I think our prayers at the moment would be based around a successful outcome in this regard and of course, that Jason remains mentally well and physically strong and determined to overcome any obstacles he may face along the way i.e. pain/tiredness/low mood etc. Jason's parents are struggling mentally at the moment so any prayers for their wellbeing, as well as for Jason's wife Sara and daughters Amber, Ella and Layla and to get them through this difficult time would be very much welcome and needed.

In terms of fundraising, Jason's Cause is something his family set up a few weeks ago in the hope of raising funds for Jason's rehabilitation. He is going to need some significant changes made to his home (they live in a three story town house - probably the most unsuitable house imaginable for someone who will have a mobility impairment) as well as things like prosthetic arms, adapted means of transportation and so on. Any funds raised will go a long way to helping with this and we are also redirecting 10% to each of Wiltshire Air Ambulance and Southmead Hospital Charity to 'give back' to them after all the work they did to keep Jason alive and with us.

More information about Jason’s cause is available on their fundraising page: Fundraiser for J Knight by Leanna Haskell : Support Jason's Rehabilitation following his electrocution (