Holy Trinity Gift Day: Sunday 26th May

Notices Church_news News_about_our_building From_the_Vicar
We are holding a gift day in order to raise funds for some new furniture for the church: nave Communion table, lectern, remembrance table, altar falls. If you would like to make a contribution towards these items you can make a one off gift using the ref N gift (N please insert your surname) online https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/ follow the instructions to find Holy Trinity Church Dilton Marsh. You can write a cheque to “Dilton Marsh PCC” and send to the Vicarage, The Hollow, Dilton Marsh BA13 4BU or directly through your bank Sort Code 20-05-06 Acct 70322636. Please use the reference NGift on all methods. You are also to make a cash donation but please put this in an envelope using the reference Ngift. We hope to have all items installed in readiness for our 180th birthday on Sept 29th.