Grappling with the History of the Church

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Minster Church of St Denys
Church Street Warminster Wiltshire, BA12 8PQ, United Kingdom

Journeying through 2,000 years of the Christian Church and stopping over at seven special moments or periods of time - we call them...
Points of departure
Lots to discuss, lots to explore, lots to reflect upon.
We come with open, critical thinking.....
It did not have to happen that way — but it did!
Our focus is on the Christian Church in this country.
Our journey is not towards fixed answers but to deeper understanding.
All very welcome.
More information in our Churches and in the 'What's On?' section of this web site.

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Bishopstrow: St Aldhelm

Get in touch

Benefice Office

The River Were Churches
Benefice Office
Church Street

BA12 8PQ
Benefice Office
The Rector Rev'd Susan Foster
01985 213456

Our website

What's on

Grappling with the History of the Church

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Minster Church of St Denys
Church Street Warminster Wiltshire, BA12 8PQ, United Kingdom

Journeying through 2,000 years of the Christian Church and stopping over at seven special moments or periods of time - we call them...
Points of departure
Lots to discuss, lots to explore, lots to reflect upon.
We come with open, critical thinking.....
It did not have to happen that way — but it did!
Our focus is on the Christian Church in this country.
Our journey is not towards fixed answers but to deeper understanding.
All very welcome.
More information in our Churches and in the 'What's On?' section of this web site.

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