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In 2015, Judy and Caroline came up with the idea for a village project, making church kneelers. The Parochial Church Council agreed that £150 be given from church funds towards the project.
The original theme, the wildlife of Swallowcliffe, proved too difficult to carry through, so we decided to use the geometric shapes in the church’s stain glass windows. Copying these shapes onto the canvases was very challenging and took some time. However, once done we were able to assemble willing stitchers and provide them with a patterned canvas, colour chart and wools. It was a little like painting by numbers.
Many of us met on Monday afternoons in the Village Hall with the usual sewing group to stitch and gossip. It became quite noisy at times! Those unable to attend these sessions did their sewing in their own time.
Once a canvas was finished, it had to be stretched and blocked. We used the foam inserts from some of the current red church kneelers and covered it in calico. The canvas was then fitted over the cushion and secured underneath. A strip of linen sewn on the bottom finished it off.
This last lockdown was an ideal time to complete fourteen kneelers now in the church, which is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the moment. The last four, still out with stitchers, will be added as and when they are finished.
Caroline would like to thank all those involved in the project for all their help and hard work. The Parochial Church Council adds its congratulations to everyone and passes on its thanks.