Nativity and Carol Service

Sunday 22 December 2024 Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints, Martin
Martin, SP6 3LE, United Kingdom

There will be a Nativity and Carol Service at All Saints Church, Martin, on Sunday 22 December at 3pm.

All Saints, Martin

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Nativity and Carol Service

Sunday 22 December 2024 Sunday at for 1 hour
All Saints, Martin
Martin, SP6 3LE, United Kingdom

There will be a Nativity and Carol Service at All Saints Church, Martin, on Sunday 22 December at 3pm.


Martin All Saints

Part of the Western Downland Parishes

Safeguarding Checklist 2023

At All Saint's Church, Martin we recognise that the few who are determined to harm children or adults, deliberately seek out groups or organisations where they can meet children or other vulnerable people. The Church is particularly vulnerable to such offenders. Developing and maintaining a collective safeguarding culture, which includes effective and clear and easily understood safeguarding procedures, will help deter those who seek to abuse and make it difficult for them to harm children or adults.

The following is our checklist of processes:


An experienced designated lay Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) works with the incumbent and PCC. For the four parishes of Western Downland the PSO is currently: Mrs Jennifer Trewin (Jenny Trewin)
The PSO is also the DBS administrator for church officers who work with children or vulnerable adults. The PSO is supported in her role by the Rector and has access to regular training. She has a copy of the Parish Safeguarding Policy and procedures, covering the four parishes of Western Downland.

Safer Recruitment, Support & Training

We seek to ensure that all church officers who work with children, young people and/or vulnerable adults are:

  • recruited following the House of Bishops’ Safer Recruitment practice guidance;
  • aware of and work to House of Bishops’ safeguarding guidance (includes policies and practice guidance)
  • attend safeguarding training (Church of England Safeguarding Portal) at least every 3 years;
Ecclesiastical Insurance provides cover for activities undertaken in the name of the PCC which involve children and vulnerable adults.


A current statement of adoption of the House of Bishops ‘Promoting a Safer Church (poster) is signed on behalf of the PCC and displayed in the Church.
Contact details of the PSO, Churchwarden and any other local leaders are displayed.
Contact details for the Diocesan Safeguarding Team including phone, email and website details are displayed (see also below).
Information about where to get help with child and adult safeguarding issues, domestic abuse and key helplines e.g. ChildLine are displayed.
A hard copy of the Diocese Safeguarding Manual is available upon request from the PSO and Rector (a further copy is available in the Triennial Inspection Folder in the Vestry at Damerham (Telephone Mr & Mrs Godber 01425 650044 to arrange access).


We seek to foster an environment which is welcoming and respectful, and which enables safeguarding concerns to be raised and responded to openly, promptly and consistently.
We have procedures in place (see Safeguarding Flowchart in Vestries or on noticeboards) to deal promptly with safeguarding allegations or suspicions of abuse in accordance with the relevant guidance and in consultation with the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors.
If you have any concern which you feel poses an immediate risk to a child or vulnerable adult, RING 999 IMMEDIATELY. Ask for the Ambulance Service or Police as appropriate.
A written record of all information pertaining to the concern, including anything said or seen, should be made within 24 hours of the concern being raised.
Any safeguarding concern or allegation against a member of clergy or a church officer should be referred to the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors IMMEDIATELY, AND AT MOST WITHIN 24 HOURS (see below, inc. out of hours contact details).
A written record of all information pertaining to the concern, including anything said or seen, should be made within 24 hours of the concern being raised.
Any safeguarding concern or allegation against members of the congregation, or anything identified concerning those who attend the church either regularly or infrequently should be referred to the PSO or Rector who will seek guidance from the Diocesan Safeguarding officers as soon as possible.
A written record of all information pertaining to the concern, including anything said or seen, should be made within 24 hours of the concern being raised.
We will seek to ensure that any known offender or others who might pose a risk to children and/or vulnerable adults is effectively managed and monitored in consultation with the Diocesan Safeguarding Advisors.
Currently we are aware of no offenders.
We will seek to comply with all Data Protection legislation especially in regard to storing information about the ‘church workforce’, including volunteers, and any Safeguarding records.
We will seek to ensure that an “Activity Risk Assessment” is completed and reviewed regularly for activities organised by, or held within the premises of St George’s Church, which is associated with either children or vulnerable adults.

Review and Report Progress:

The PSO will report on Safeguarding matters to the parish:
By providing a written statement at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Providing verbal or written information at any PCC meeting (regular or extraordinary) following a safeguarding incident or concern (giving due regard to issues of confidentality and data protection).
Safeguarding shall be a standing agenda item at each PCC meeting, even if no additional matters are raised within it.
At the APCM the PCC shall provide an Annual Statement in relation to safeguarding, even if no matters of concern have been raised.
In the PCC’s written Annual Review of Activities a Statement will report on progress, and on whether the PCC has complied with the duty to have “due regard” to the House of Bishops’ Guidance in relation to safeguarding.

Are you working in an LEP? No

Hire of church premises. We do not have halls or other facilities which may be hired out by other organisations.

During a clergy vacancy

During an interregnum the PCC will work with the churchwardens, to ensure that all information about safeguarding matters is securely stored before passing the information on to the new incumbent.
The departing incumbent will pass all safeguarding information to the PSO who can pass the information on to the new incumbent when he/she takes up their appointment.

Support & Compliance

The measures identified in the list above will be checked during Triennial Inspections. Safeguarding support and information, including templates and documents can be found here:


The Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers

Suzy Futcher is the first point of contact for urgent safeguarding advice on Monday & Tuesday 9am–5pm, Wednesday 9am–12pm. She is also available on an ‘on call’ basis until 9pm on Monday and Tuesday evenings (Mobile: 07500 664800). Email: [email protected] .

Jem Carter is the first point of contact for urgent safeguarding advice on Wednesday 12pm-5pm, Thursday & Friday 9am-5pm. He is also available on an ‘on call’ basis until 9pm on Wednesday and Thursday evenings (Mobile: 07469 857888). Email: [email protected] . For non-emergency advice and support outside of their working hours (5p.m. Friday to 9a.m. Monday) please contact thirtyone:eight Tel: 0303 0031111 .

Independent Sexual Violence Advisor (ISVA) & Survivor Advocate Nina Tanner, who works for Splitz, a Domestic Abuse charity in Wiltshire, is commissioned by Salisbury Diocese for one day a week to support victims and survivors of any form of abuse, with a particular focus on church related abuse. Working hours: Wednesday (9:00am -5:00pm) Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Tel: 07825 741 751