Broadchalke: All Saints

Broad Chalke (pop 650) sits centrally in the Benefice and has a good mix of age-groups. There is a CofE maintained primary school, a sports centre, a village hall where WI, Flower Club, Film Night are each held once a month and Teddybears (for mums, babies and toddlers) once a week, and a pub – The Queen’s Head.

The jewel in our crown is The Hub – a shop (Chalke Valley Stores) and Coffee Shop, situated in the URC building. There are 7 working farms and several small businesses. The village also hosts the internationally famous Chalke Valley History Festival.

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Get in touch

Revd Alison Waterhouse - Team Vicar

The Rectory
Broad Chalke

Revd Alison Waterhouse - Team Vicar
01722 679404
Emily Broomhead - Team Administrator
07890 262376

Our website

What's on

Family Communion

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Broadchalke: All Saints
South Street Broadchalke, SP5 5DH, United Kingdom

All are welcome to join the Family Communion CW service at 09.30am on the 1st Sunday of each month.