Open daily for individual prayer

Every day at for 7 hours
St Leonard and St Catherine
Church Lane, Drayton St Leonard, Wallingford, OX10 7AU, United Kingdom

The church is opened daily by a group of volunteers. Generally it will be opened by 09:30 and closed at dusk, or by 20:00 (8pm) in summer.
Come in for private prayer or contemplation, or just to have a look around, leaflets available on the table, and there is a small library on the pew bookshelf at the back of the church.
Do sign the visitor book or make a prayer request.
If you have something you wish to talk about please contact us though the Get in Touch page in the menu.

Volunteers open and lock the church daily, from 09:30 closing at dusk or by 20:00 (8pm) if earlier.

Evening Service of Holy Communion.

In February, March, November, December. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Leonard and St Catherine
St Leonard and St Catherine, Church Lane, Drayton St Leonard, Wallingford, OX10 7AU, United Kingdom

Everybody is welcome to our Evening service of Holy Communion.
Click below on 'More about this event' for the week's News Sheet, available a day or two before the service, and for additional information. Scroll down to the paragraph with this Sunday's date and look for the Pew Sheet link (or sometimes an Order of Service) at the foot of the article.
We like it when our Organist plays at this service but if it's not possible we have recorded music.

From November to March this service is at 5pm GMT.

Holy Communion.

Monthly. Every Second, Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Leonard and St Catherine
St Leonard and St Catherine, Church Lane, Drayton St Leonard, Wallingford, OX10 7AU, United Kingdom

Holy Communion, everyone welcome.
Click below on 'More about this event' for the week's News Sheet, available a day or two before the service, and for additional information. Scroll down to the paragraph with this Sunday's date and look for the News Sheet link (or sometimes an Order of Service) at the foot of the article.

Morning service of the Word.

In January, February, March, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Every Third Sunday at for 45 mins
St Leonard and St Catherine
St Leonard and St Catherine, Church Lane, Drayton St Leonard, Wallingford, OX10 7AU, United Kingdom

Everyone welcome to our third Sunday Morning Service in a flexible format. Usually this is a lay led service following a service sheet of prayers, contemplation, readings, a commentary or talk and recorded music/hymns. Occasionally we will vary the format, perhaps with an outdoor service or a service in another location.
The seating at the back of the church is available for those wishing greater social spacing.
Click below on 'More about this event' for the week's News Sheet, available a day or two before the service, and for additional information. Scroll down to the paragraph with this Sunday's date and look for the News Sheet link (or sometimes an Order of Service) at the foot of the article.
The usual Service Sheet is available on the link below.

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Safari Supper 2025

for 5 hours, 29 mins
This event takes place at various locations around the village.
This event takes place at various locations around the village.

The Safari Supper will be on Saturday 1 Mar, please let me know as soon as possible if you want to join in, I need to work out numbers of hosts and participants.
For newcomers to the village this is one of the major fund raisers for our church. You don’t have to be a church goer! It is a fun evening spent visiting different homes, people visiting your home to enjoy a different course at each house. Then everyone meeting up for coffee and Port at a final location! The perfect way to cheer up a winters evening.
You can choose which course you’d like to provide, and for courses at other locations you buy a ticket. I find it easier to organise if everyone volunteers for a course, but you don’t have to. Get in early with your preference, then you’ll have a better chance of providing that course.
Get in early to choose your hosting preference: Starter, Main or Dessert! Or it is possible to host more than one course.
The prices will be the same as last year, so you pay for courses that you do not provide.
Starter £7
Main £16
Dessert £7

Everyone also pays £3 for coffee and Port,
Thanks to those who have replied already.
[email protected]

Mothering Sunday

for 1 hour
St Leonard and St Catherine
Church Lane, Drayton St Leonard, Wallingford, OX10 7AU, United Kingdom

Our Mothering Sunday service, a family service,

Evening Service of Holy Communion.

In April, May, June, July, August, September, October. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
St Leonard and St Catherine
St Leonard and St Catherine, Church Lane, Drayton St Leonard, Wallingford, OX10 7AU, United Kingdom

Everybody is welcome to our Evening service of Holy Communion.
Click below on 'More about this event' for the week's News Sheet, available a day or two before the service, and for additional information. Scroll down to the paragraph with this Sunday's date and look for the Pew Sheet link (or sometimes an Order of Service) at the foot of the article.
We like it when our Organist plays at this service but if it's not possible we have recorded music.

From April to October this service is at 6pm BST.

Annual Meetings, APM, APCM

for 30 mins
St Leonard and St Catherine
Church Lane, Drayton St Leonard, Wallingford, OX10 7AU, United Kingdom

The APM and APCM meetings are held immediately following the (shortened) service. Check the church porch and door for the official notices, and look back here for updates closer to the time.
APM = Annual Parish Meeting open to all village residents. APCM = Annual Parochial Church Meeting, only those on the Parochial electoral register may vote. These meetings are short, and are immediately followed by the first meeting of the new PCC (Parochial Church Council), again brief.

Easter Sunday

for 1 hour
St Leonard and St Catherine
Church Lane, Drayton St Leonard, Wallingford, OX10 7AU, United Kingdom

We will celebrate Easter Sunday with morning Holy Communion.

Act of Remembrance

In November. Every Second Sunday at for 30 mins
The Memorial Cross
The Memorial Cross, High Street, Drayton St Leonard, OX10 7BD

We will gather at the memorial cross for a short service and opportunity to present remembrances. This includes the 11 o'clock 2 minute silence. Come to the cross before 11, or walk up from the earlier service in church.

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Remembrance Service

Sunday 10 November 2024, Sunday 09 November 2025, Sunday 08 November 2026 at for 40 mins
St Leonard and St Catherine
Church Lane, Drayton St Leonard, Wallingford, OX10 7AU, United Kingdom

A special service in Church ahead of the Act of Remembrance at the Memorial Cross.
After this service will will walk to the Memorial.

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Team Service

In January, February, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Every Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
One of the churches of the Dorchester Team.
One of the churches of the Dorchester Team., Check back a few days before the service for details and confirmation of timings.

Every month that has a fifth Sunday one of the team churches hosts a service, which is a great opportunity to visit other churches and meet some of their congregation. Everyone welcome!
For details and to confirm times check back here or use the ‘More about …’ link box below closer to the time.