If you need help please scroll down to the end of this article.
Nov 2024 update: Here is a recent Facebook posting from Wallingford Emergency Food Bank.“As we head into the festive season, if you would like to donate Christmas goodies, please do so by the end of November so we can include them in our food parcels in good time for our clients. Some suggestions are:• Advent calendars• Selection boxes• Chocolate tree ornaments• Christmas chocolate treats and sweets• Boxes of biscuits• Microwaveable Christmas puddings• Christmas cakes• Mince Pies• Crackers for cheese• Packets of nuts and crisps• Long-life food items for festive meals e.g. tinned veg, stuffing, gravy, custard, trifle mix, tinned fruit• Crackers.For information on how to donate please visit our website https://wallingfordfoodbank.org.uk/donate/ Many thanks!”
Also: There’s a Wallingford Food Bank fundraiser coming up too, Handel’s Messiah by Waterperry Opera at St Mary’s, Wallingford, on 8 Dec. https://wallingfordfoodbank.org.uk/
Food Bank background
It was at our 2012 village Harvest celebrations we first sent gifts of food, to both the Oxford and Wallingford food banks. I think it came as a surprise to us that local food banks were so active; hardships in these difficult times have really struck home and food banks need all the help they can get.
To help, leave gifts in church where they will be passed on regularly.
More Information:
The Wallingford Emergency Food Bank and on Facebook has an arrangement with the Berin Centre who both accept and distribute food. The Food Bank website has a link to the Bank the Food website for information, including what is particularly needed. Seasonally, Christmas puddings, sweets etc. are most welcome. The current request is for long-life milk, and recently we have been asked for tinned spaghetti. Wallingford Emergency Food Bank is at 22 St Mary's St, next to the Fountain Bookshop, run by Churches Together Wallingford Area. As well as leaving donations in church or at the Berin Centre, Berinsfield, click here for other donation options.
We also support the Burning Bush food kitchen project in our sister diocese in South Africa.
Nationally,100,000 people were helped by church led food banks in a 6 month period, underlining the growing demand for emergency food in the UK.
please talk to or send a webmail to our Vicar or a local Minister, contact the Berin Centre, Citizens Advice, Doctors' Surgeries - more ...
The Berin Centre is opposite the Sports Centre.
Post Covid note:
I've checked with Wallingford Emergency Food Bank and they suggest it may be convenient to doners to donate money instead of food. Their website elaborates: www.wallingfordfoodbank.org.uk , tab support us, scroll down to Financial Donations.
" You can donate money online via the Charites Aid Foundation here. Gift Aid is available while making your donation.
You can also leave an envelope marked 'Food Bank' in The Fountain Bookshop with your donation enclosed. Cheques should be made payable to 'Wallingford Emergency Food Bank'. Gift Aid forms can be downloaded here or are available at The Fountain Bookshop."
Wallingford Food Bank is open Mondays and Thursdays. The normal entrance at 22 St Mary's Street is currently locked, access through the back door of the Community Church off Wood Street.
Please let me know if you'd help with delivering food gifts to BIVC or Wallingford. To minimise travel journeys let's try to include these journeys with other essential trips you'll be making anyway,
Steve Cox.