Drop In Mondays
- Occurring
- Every Monday at for 7 hours
- Venue
- Cerne Abbas: St Mary
- Address Abbey Street Cerne Abbas Dorchester, DT2 7JQ, United Kingdom
Drop in and join us for a cup of tea or coffee. All welcome - no need to bring a small child or to be a 'crafty lady'! The toddler group 'Come and Play' is 0930-11am. They also welcome expectant parents and babies. Crafty Ladies - an opportunity to bring a project along to work on while having a natter or to learn to crochet or knit - is 1400-1600.
Drop In Mondays
Every Monday at 9 a.m. for 7 hours
Drop In Mondays
Every Monday at 9 a.m. for 7 hours