Holy Communion Service at St. Andrew's Church

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Landford: St Andrew
Stock Lane Landford Salisbury, SP5 2EW, United Kingdom

This service takes place most months and follows a "traditional" pattern with spoken liturgy, a sermon, prayers and Communion (only bread is permitted to be taken by communicants at present, due to ongoing Coronavirus restrictions). Friendly congregation, everyone welcome.

Landford: St Andrew

Information about us 

We are pleased to announce that in-person gatherings are now taking place at our various sites - please see the "Services and Events" page for more details.

We will be continuing with our on-line Sunday Slots for those of you who can't attend our on-site gatherings for any reason, and for those of you who are not yet ready to meet in-person with large numbers of people. You are still part of us and we welcome you to our gatherings, whichever form they take.

To attend our weekly on-line gatherings, please go to YouTube and type "The Church in Landford" into the search bar. There you will be able to access and watch all the Sunday Slots (our weekly worship slot) we have participated in over the past 2 years. You will also find our children's group videos - "Stepping Stones", which were uploaded monthly between April 2020 and June 2021.  

We encourage you to subscribe to our YouTube channel and then you will receive notifications every time a new video is uploaded.

We are still a growing, warm and friendly community seeking to point people to the love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit, despite the current restrictions and on-going uncertainty of the times we live in. Please feel free to join us in our gatherings on-line or on-site, and email [email protected] if you would like any more information. We look forward to meeting you...

Get in touch

The Church in Landford

The Rectory

SO43 7JF
What's on

Holy Communion Service at St. Andrew's Church

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Landford: St Andrew
Stock Lane Landford Salisbury, SP5 2EW, United Kingdom

This service takes place most months and follows a "traditional" pattern with spoken liturgy, a sermon, prayers and Communion (only bread is permitted to be taken by communicants at present, due to ongoing Coronavirus restrictions). Friendly congregation, everyone welcome.