The Gathering

Every First, Second, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
Landford Methodist Hall
Landford Methodist Hall, Lyndhurst Road, Landford, Wiltshire, SP5 2AF

We are a growing, warm and friendly community seeking to point people to the love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are a group of Christians meeting in Landford, actively seeking to provide something different from the churches around us.

We Offer :-
Contemporary band-led worship in an informal service, singing a mixture of modern songs and traditional hymns
Bible-based teaching
Spirit-led prayer ministry
A place where people can grow in their relationship with God and with one another
A warm welcome and nice coffee!

During an on-site gathering we usually sing a few songs as part of our response to all God has done. Then someone will share a message based on a section of The Bible. There will be an opportunity to pray to God, pray for others and also be prayed for too. We believe in a God who hears ALL of our prayers and is interested in every part of our lives.

The Pop-In Cafe with "Tune Tots"

Monthly. Every First Wednesday at for 2 hours
Landford Methodist Hall
Landford Methodist Hall, Lyndhurst Road Landford Wiltshire, SP5 2AF

The "Pop-In Cafe" with "Tune Tots" runs on the first Wednesday morning of most months throughout the year. It is a drop-in coffee morning/cafe open for everyone in the community. Free tea, coffee and bacon rolls are served each week between 9am and 11am. A selection of 'pre-school' toys are available throughout the session for those with pre-school children.
However, that is not all! Between 9.30am and 10am, Julia comes to lead "Tune Tots" within the Pop-In. Tune Tots is a fun and interactive session of music and chatter. It includes a mixture of songs for preschoolers and includes other visual aids such as bubbles, musical instruments or parachutes.

If you would like to be part of the group, please contact [email protected] for more details. We really look forward to welcoming you :)

The Pop-In with Tune Tots does not run during August.

The Pop-In Cafe with "Little Voices Sing-a-Long"

Monthly. Every Third Wednesday at for 2 hours
Landford Methodist Hall
Landford Methodist Hall, Lyndhurst Road Landford Wiltshire, SP5 2AF

The Pop-In Café also runs every third Wednesday morning of most months. It is a café open to everyone of all ages in the community for 2 hours between 9 and 11am, where we serve free tea, coffee and bacon rolls each session. A selection of 'pre-school' toys are available throughout the session for those with pre-school children.
However, during each of these café sessions, there will be a short but fun and interactive time of nursery rhyme singing with the children (approx 9.30am-10am).
Singing is suggested to help children with language acquisition, confidence-building and improving memory, so why not come along for this happy sing-a-long session - we look forward to seeing you there :)

United Worship at Landford Methodist Chapel

Monthly. Every Third Sunday at for 1 hour
Landford Methodist Chapel
Landford Methodist Chapel, Lyndhurst Road Landford Wiltshire, SP5 2AF

We look forward to you joining with us today as we worship as a united congregation in the Landford Chapel building. The service will be led by someone from the local Methodist circuit.

Coffee Cafe

In January, February, March, April, May, June, July, September, October, November. Every Last Thursday at for 2 hours
Landford Methodist Hall
Landford Methodist Hall, Lyndhurst Road Landford, SP5 2AF

Have you visited the superb cafe run by members of the community?
Come along for a friendly chat, a selection of quality beverages and a delicious selection of handmade cakes and pastries. There is also a small stall selling books and puzzles. Funds raised are regularly donated to local charities.
A warm welcome guaranteed. Free transport available through the Link Scheme - 01794 884390

There is no Coffee Cafe in August or December.

Holy Communion Service at St. Andrew's Church

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour
Landford: St Andrew
Stock Lane Landford Salisbury, SP5 2EW, United Kingdom

This service takes place most months and follows a "traditional" pattern with spoken liturgy, a sermon, prayers and Communion (only bread is permitted to be taken by communicants at present, due to ongoing Coronavirus restrictions). Friendly congregation, everyone welcome.