We are very grateful to all the people who support us in so many ways: financially, with their time and energy, and through their prayers. This all helps us to maintain our services, building and ministry to the wider community. Below are a few examples of how you can help.
Underpinning all we do and are as the church is prayer. This is fundamental to maintaining ourselves as a living and faithful community, and in supporting those in our care.However else you are able to support us, above all we ask for your prayers.
Financial Support
St Laurence Church has stood in Downton for over 900 years and is part of the rich heritage of the village. As well as being the centre of a Christian community in Downton the church is used for a range of other activities.The church is open every day for anyone to spend some quiet time here, as well as for our regular worship on Sundays along with other festivals, services and community events.
Day to day running costs are about £26,000 a year or £70 a day.The costs of just keeping the church open, watertight, lit, heated, insured and generally in a condition where it can be occupied on a daily basis amounts to some £26,000 a year or around £70 a day. This is before the costs that we pay to the Diocese for employing our clergy and the costs of any of the events that are organised by our church for the wider Downton community.
The sale of the church hall in 2015 has allowed us to make some major alterations to the inside of the church. This has meant moving the font to allow the installation of an office, toilets and a meeting room at the rear. We will also install a dais at the front of the nave (the main part of the church) so that it can be used not only for worship but also musical and other performances.
Replacing the roofs over the chancel and the north aisle which are both leaking and damaging the roof timbers (£75,000 to £90,000)
Upgrading the electrics (£10,000)
Why make a financial commitment to St Laurence Church?You help to support: - a distinctive Christian church presence in our village, to promote the values which matter in the local community and society. - the work and mission of the church with young families and in local schools, and to care for the ill, lonely, bereaved and elderly members of our community. - parish clergy in posts serving our local communities. - the church building - a place of worship at the centre of the community, open for regular services, major festivals and community events, and those important family occasions – baptisms, weddings and funerals.
You can support St Laurence Church financially by:
1. Giving regularly
2. Making a donation for the maintenance of the building
3. Joining Easyfundraising
Giving Time
Why make a personal commitment to St Laurence Church?- You help to maintain a wonderful ancient and historic building.
- You get the opportunity to share your skills to decorate and care for St Laurence.
- You are able to be an integral part of our worship at services.
- You are able to become part of a team, make new friends and enjoy fellowship with a variety of people.
Ways of Giving Time: - Flower arranging, brass cleaning, laundering church linen. - Helping with the Church Fete, Cuckoo Fair and Goose Fair. - Joining the Church magazine (Parish News) production team, delivering the magazine. - Helping with grounds and buildings maintenance, working in the churchyard with the Eco-Group. - Helping at social and community events during the year. - For the 10:30am Service - joining the coffee rota or sides-person rota, reading a lesson or leading intercessions. - Bringing groceries to church for our regular foodbank collection.