Showing off our Creativity

Advent christmas

On Friday 6 December, the Feast of St Nicholas of Santa Claus fame, we opened our first Christmas Tree Festival in All Saints' Church, Charlton, with an Opening Night Drinks Reception. About 45 friends and neighbours came together to celebrate the coming of Light in the Darkness. 

We entered the Church lit by candlelight, listened to the Rector (Ruth Howlett-Shipley) tell us a little about the life of St Nicholas and then all performed the traditional count-down to the switching on of the Christmas Tree lights. We were delighted with the wide variety of the sixteen Christmas Tree entries, which included a Tree of Hope, on which one could hang messages of hope for a troubled world, a football themed white and red tree, a tree highlighted the effects of climate change, a Fishmas Tree, made of wooden fish. 

The tree which received the most votes was entitled Beachcombing and was made entirely of items found on a beach, including rather a lot of plastic waste, created by Vince and Jane Jenkins.

We sang carols amongst the trees and finished off the evening with a visit from Santa (for grownups), who handed out miniature ports, whiskies and liqueur chocolates - or sprouts - depending on whether you were on the Nice or Naughty List.

The Festival continued on the Saturday, with a Family Day, including crafting Christmas decorations, a Christingle on Sunday afternoon, and the annual Downton Band Concert on the Tuesday.

Thank you very much to all who helped organise and all who came to support us in this new venture.

#ChristmasTreeFestival #CharltonAllSaints #LightintheDarkness