Saintly Striders Complete 15km Sponsored Walk

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On a beautiful warm Autumn day, a dozen Saintly Striders, led by our Rector the Revd Ruth Howlett-Shipley, joined the Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust annual sponsored walk. We set off at 10am, and walked the back road to Bodenham, then on across the fields to St Andrew's, Nunton, followed by St Mary's, Odstock. The Churchwardens had kindly prepared refreshments, which were gratefully received, and showed off their historic churches to us.

Half the band continued to have lunch at The Yew Tree Inn at Odstock, and then set off on the longer return section across Charlton Downs back to Charlton All Saints for 4.30pm. We enjoyed some well-earnt tea and apple cake at All Saints'.

This is the 40th Anniversary of National Churches Trust's Ride and Stride. Our Wiltshire branch of this charity has raised over £1.6 million in those 40 years, which is returned to our churches in the form of grants for essential repairs and maintenance. We are proud to have received a handsome commemorative plaque for All Saint's Church.

A great day out was had by all - some exercise with friends in the glorious English countryside combined with raising money for a worthy cause. Perfect.