Bronze Award for Charlton!

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Eco Church is an initiative from the Church of England and other Christian organisations, to encourage churches and parishioners to help tackle the great environmental challenges of this decade. It is run by the A Rocha UK organisation.

There are five areas identified where we can change what we do in order to help us achieve this. These areas are 

* Worship & Teaching
* Buildings
* Land
* Community & Global Engagement
* Lifestyle

The suggestions are presented in the form of questions in an online survey. Depending on how you answer the questions from the choices available, you are awarded points. And as we know, points mean prizes. A coloured scale alters when you reach the required points for bronze, silver or gold. This is an innovative use of the game theory approach, which has worked well to encourage us in Charlton.

Examples of the changes we have made

* Complete an energy audit as the first step in reducing energy use
* Encourage biodiversity in our churchyard with bird feeders & bug hotel
* Make a new churchyard maintenance plan, with meadow areas, to encourage wildflowers
* Use Fairtrade products when we can
* Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle
* Commit to pray for climate justice

These are just a few of the inexpensive things we've done. If you'd like to learn more, please come along to our Eco Picnic & Nature Count on Sunday 16 June 3-5pm and join in our first wildlife survey for Churches Count on Nature.

We look forward to seeing you there!

#ecochurch #churchescountonnature