Lee Abbey Benefice Retreat

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Over 80 people including teenagers and toddlers enjoyed a weekend of prayer, reflection and fellowship in the beautiful surroundings of the North Devon estate on which Lee Abbey is situated. The theme was "Growing to Fullness".

Prior to the weekend we were asked to think and pray about this question: "What is the next small step I could make to build community and make Jesus known in the Chalke valley and wider circle?" After Sunday Holy Communion, a Benefice meeting was held in the Chapel to discuss ideas and there were plenty of suggestions.

The children and several very brave adults swam in Lee Bay. There was an art workshop led by Graham Oliver and another workshop where participants created beautiful cloth flowers sewn from scraps of material and buttons. Those wanting solitude wandered freely around the estate, full of ewes with their lambs - over 100 born this spring - or simply appreciating the stunning views and the biodiversity of the coastal rainforest with its beautiful wildflowers. The energetic walked the coastal path to Lynton and climbed up over the downs back to Lee Abbey.

We departed after lunch on Sunday having made or renewed acquaintances, deepened our faith and replenished our spirits. A great experience.