Safeguarding Statement
St. Peter’s Church, Bramshaw takes its responsibilities surrounding the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults who may be at risk very seriously, and works in partnership with the Diocese of Salisbury to ensure that we work in accordance with best practice at all times.
If you are visiting this page, you may have Safeguarding questions or concerns. You can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Rosie Tossell by email: [email protected]
Or, you can contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer on 01722 438651 and press option 3 or email [email protected]
If your query is urgent or out of hours (5pm Friday to 10pm Sunday), please contact thirtyone:eight on 0303 0031111.
If someone is at immediate risk of harm, please call 999 in an emergency.
You may also find support via:
• Safe Spaces- A free and independent support service providing a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused through their relationship with either the Church of England, the Catholic Church of England and Wales or the Church in Wales. They offer a helpline, a live web chat and website:
Tel: 0300 303 1056
• Hampshire Domestic Abuse Partnership The Hampshire Domestic Abuse Partnership is a group of local services in Hampshire working together to provide help and support for Victims and survivors of abuse, children living with domestic abuse, people who may be abusing or hurting someone and professionals seeking advice
• FearLess (Wiltshire) - A registered charity delivering support services to adults and young people experiencing the trauma of domestic abuse and sexual violence. FearLess delivers services across south-west England including in Wiltshire