Ministry Team

Vicar -                                    Revd Lizzie Campbell

Assistant Curate -              Revd Michael Eaton

Assistant Priests -              Revd Lynne Morris 

                                                Revd Canon Alan Butler 

Licensed Lay Minister -    Mrs Alyson Scott

Lay Pastoral Assistants - Mrs Liz Bowler, Mr Mike Bowler, Mrs Debbie Brown, Mrs Jan Cribben, Mrs Eileen Moore, Mrs Alyson Scott & Mr Stuart Stebbing

Lay Pastoral Assistants are able to offer home visiting and pastoral care. In the first instance please contact Revd Michael Eaton     


Bereavement co-ordinator - Mrs Debbie Brown    

Debbie works for a local funeral director and is able to offer pastoral visiting after bereavement. In the first instance contact Revd Michael Eaton

Church Contacts

Parish Administration - Ms Valerie Robertson [email protected] 01202 893197

Churchwardens - Mrs Karen Clark & Mrs Louise Collins [email protected]

Assistant Churchwardens - Mr Stuart Stebbing & Mrs Debbie Brown

PCC Lay Vice Chair - Mrs Gillian Clarke 01202 894913

PCC Secretary - Mrs Julie Hardman 01202 894881

PCC Treasurer - Mr Michael Bowler 01202 872064

Financial Administration & Planned Giving Officer - Mr Michael Bowler 01202 872064 [email protected]

Parish Safeguarding Officer - Mr Alex Clarke 01202 894913

Organist - Ms Valerie Robertson 01425 483432

Magazine Editor - Mrs Gillian Clarke 01202 894913 [email protected]

Mothers Union - Mrs Liz Bowler 01202 872064

Flower Group Leader - Mrs Rosemary Dunning 01202 871616

YQT Youth Group - suspended during the vacancy

Messy Church - suspended during the vacancy

Meditation Group - suspended during the vacancy

Tea@3 - Mrs Mary Keegan 01202 871343

Church Hall Bookings [email protected]

Website Enquiries [email protected]